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Co-Creating a Warwick Belonging Framework

About the Project

This student-led initiative, in collaboration with AdvanceHE, aims to create a Warwick Belonging Framework. Through surveys and feedback analysis, we will identify barriers to belonging and develop actionable solutions.

This project is supported by WIHEA, the Dean of Students' Office, SEM Faculty, the Widening Participation Team, and Warwick Students’ Union.

What We Will Create:

  • A comprehensive framework that guides efforts to foster inclusion.
  • A collection of best practice examples for students, staff, and student groups.
  • Co-created resources for students and staff to actively build a more welcoming campus community.

The Impact:

This project empowers students and staff to work together in overcoming challenges and strengthening our university community. The framework will provide a foundation for fostering a sense of belonging for all at Warwick.

Get Involved:

All staff and students involved with fostering belonging are invited to complete this AdvanceHE survey to help us shape the final framework.

Please share this survey among your student and staff networks.

The survey is completely anonymous and takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

The deadline to complete it is 28th March.

Belonging Best Practice:

We would also love to hear about any best practice you have seen, experienced, worked on, or led in relation to Belonging at Warwick. We aim to collate and share best practice examples as part of the final framework. If you have any questions or are interested in contributing further to help further with the project, please don't hesitate to reach out to the project team at .

Stay tuned for other opportunities to participate in surveys, workshops, and discussions.

Project Team

Student Project Lead
Inca Hide-Wright

Inclusive Education Lead
Leigh Mencarini

Professional Services Lead
Adam Alcock

Academic Lead
Dr Tom Ritchie

Project Methodology

This project intends to achieve the following:

  • To work with AdvanceHE to create a Warwick Belonging Framework, building on work that has been and is being conducted by the Student Insight team and the Dean of Students' Office.
  • To engage with student societies and the SU on the issue of Belonging.
  • To practically address student feedback from the Qualzy student experience surveys.
  • To develop a toolkit for understanding and addressing barriers, which can be applied to different student demographics and groups.

As a result of this work, the project will help optimise the student experience at Warwick in a number of ways, by:

  • Consulting with students and staff across campus to define what we mean by Belonging at Warwick.
  • Identifying, collating, and addressing the specific barriers to belonging and mattering that students face at Warwick. This will help staff to better support students in their academic studies and wider student experience.
  • Building on existing best practices to develop and implement solutions to these barriers that are co-created with students.
  • Creating a dissemination plan to share the framework, best practices, and the solutions across Warwick and with the wider higher education community. This will involve publishing our findings in academic journals, presenting at conferences, and developing online resources and training materials.

We are always looking for fun and innovative ways to co-creating and working with students. If you are interested in contributing to the project, please email .