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WUST Prototype Evaluation

Participate in a Focus Group!

As part of Warwick International Higher Education Academy Link opens in a new window(WIHEA), the project team Warwick University Study ToolboxLink opens in a new window (WUST) have designed a toolbox aiming to help students with their study needs. The design phase is now complete, and we would like a number of students to provide feedback on our prototype so that we can evaluate and improve our toolbox.

📢 Calling All Warwick Students!

Participate in an online focus group and receive a £15 campus food and drinks voucher!

What does participation involve?

  • You will be given access to the WUST prototype which is held on an online platform, and will be asked to explore alternative sections of the tool in breakout rooms during the focus group.
  • You will then be asked a series of questions about your experiences of using the tool.
  • The feedback that you provide will be used to evaluate and develop the tool further.

When and where will the focus groups take place?

  • You will be invited to participate in an online focus group on MS Teams.
  • The focus groups will be 1.5 hours in duration.
  • Current focus group dates and times are shown in the right-hand column beside.

Who can participate?

  • The focus groups are open to all Warwick students.
  • Both undergraduates and postgraduates are encouraged to join.

Who will be in the focus groups?

  • We aim to have 8 to 12 students in each focus group depending on student uptake.
  • The focus groups will be facilitated by the Project Lead, Dr Julia Brettschneider, the Student Project Officer, Alisha Rodgers (doctorate student), and two student members of the WUST team.

What will be recorded?

  • The focus group will be audio and video recorded using the recording features in MS Teams.
  • The data collected will be visible to the Project Lead and Student Project Officer only. This is required for the performance of a thematic analysis.
  • Although the data collected will be identifiable to you at first, this will not impact your studies in any way.
  • Data will be anonymised once the analysis has been completed.
  • Findings will be written up as a report where names will be replaced with anonymous labels.

Will there be a reward for participating?

  • Upon completion of the focus group, you will be emailed a £15 c voucher that can be used at selected outlets.

How can I apply?

  • Click the button below and complete the form to register your interest.
  • Please note that we have a limited number of places, but we will try our best to accommodate for everyone who signs up as best as possible.
  • If you have been selected to take part in a focus group, we will contact you with further information in due course.

Sign-up to a Focus Group

Dates and Times of Focus Groups

We plan to run a number of focus groups to accommodate for alternative student availabilities. You will only be invited to join one group.

The current dates and times are as follows:

  • Tuesday 2nd July 13:00 to 14:30.
  • Wednesday 3rd July 11:00 to 12:30.
  • Wednesday 3rd July 19:00 to 20:30.

Participant Information Leaflet

Full details about the study and your rights as a participant are given in the Participant Information Leaflet.

Participant Information Leaflet v6, 28/06/24

Would you like more information?

If you would like more information about the focus groups or the project, please contact the Project Lead, Dr Julia BrettschneiderLink opens in a new window and/or the Student Project Officer, Alisha Rodgers, by email .