Interdisciplinary Staff Hub

Project Context
- A recent report at the University of Warwick (Institutional Review of Interdisciplinarity, December 2019) highlighted that there are currently barriers preventing staff from engaging with interdisciplinary teaching and learning activities.
- The creation of a staff interdisciplinary hub helped to resolve some of these barriers including understanding interdisciplinarity and support via information and interdisciplinary champions.
Project Aim
The main aim of the project was to create an online Interdisciplinary Staff Hub that supports educators in designing and delivering interdisciplinary teaching and learning, from activities to assessment.
Project Team
Project Lead
Dr Lauren Schrock (WMG)
Project Team
Isabelle Deane (Engineering), Wiktoria Jeglinska (Education Studies), Ellie King (WMG), Jennifer Kitchen (IATL), Debbi Marais (WMS), Jo Wale (IATL)
If you would like more information on this project, please contact project lead:
Dr Lauren Schrock (

Project Impact
- A key output of the project was the identification and analysis of cases of good interdisciplinary practice across Warwick, including design of courses/modules, learning activities, assessment, and resources for interdisciplinary development
- Development of an Interdisciplinary Staff Hub (Inclusion of the Hub in the forthcoming Teaching Portal) which feature these case studies of good practices
As the purpose of the Interdisciplinary Staff Hub was to support staff in developing interdisciplinary teaching and assessment, it is proposed that the final, public version of the Interdisciplinary Staff Hub – when included in an online Teaching Portal - will positively impact the general student population across departments