2020/21 WIHEA Fellow Profiles
Welcome to our latest cohort of staff and student WIHEA Fellows! They will be developing expertise in areas of interest to them, enhancing practice and policy, and informing our strategic and practical thinking on learning and teaching.
Read on to see the perspectives they bring and what they are looking forward to getting involved in.
In addition, our pilot WIHEA External Collaboration Fund Link opens in a new windowCall is now OPEN.
If you are not a WIHEA Fellow but have a project idea, you are invited to approach a WIHEA Fellow with an outline of your collaborative project. If they wish to provide support and have a role overseeing the delivery of the project, then you can jointly submit a proposal as a Project Co-Lead. Please also see our full list of WIHEA FellowsLink opens in a new window.
Dr Sam AgbrokoSchool of Engineering As a Teaching Fellow at the School of Engineering, I have used my technical expertise in the area of Electronics Engineering to develop low-cost digital teaching tools. During my fellowship, I hope to be involved in developing digital tools and technologies to improve the learning experience at Warwick. |
Adam AgowunSchool of Modern Languages and Cultures I am a final-year English and French student, with plans to pursue postgraduate study in 2021. This interest in further study, as well as my previous work in co-creation with WIHEA, means that I am fascinated by ways in which students can be engaged in creating research alongside staff, and thus have a more bespoke university experience. For me, it was really important to have been given a voice and the ability to shape university - not just for myself, but for students coming after me - and I hope to continue this in my work as a Student Fellow. |
Dr Lazaros AndronisWarwick Medical School I am a researcher who sees teaching as a key part of my academic identity. I have been teaching health economics to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students for over 10 years. I have initiated and led modules and courses with a view to making health economics accessible widely, to interested learners irrespective of their disciplinary backgrounds. I am increasingly interested in encouraging and supporting researchers to teach more, more widely and better. |
Dr David Bather WoodsDepartment of Philosophy I am a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Philosophy. For the 2020/21 academic year I am acting Director of Student Experience and Progression, but my previous experience is as Admissions Tutor and Academic Lead for Outreach and Widening Participation (in which I have introduced Philosophy to new audiences from Year 6 to 6th Form). I am interested in working on projects around outreach and widening participation, public engagement, student-led initiatives, specific learning differences, diversifying assessment methods, and anti-racist pedagogy. |
Dr Lewis BeerWarwick International Strategy and Relations After spending nine years teaching English Literature at Warwick and Cardiff, I worked in Warwick Enterprise for 20 months and am now supporting Warwick’s involvement in the EUTOPIA Alliance. My work covers a number of areas, but I am especially committed to enhancing the student experience through the promotion of inclusion, innovation, and internationalisation. |
Pierre BotcherbyDepartment of History I am a PhD candidate in History, studying the impact of de-industrialisation and (post-industrial) regeneration on communities. I have taught at Warwick for the last 3 years (seminars and study-skills workshops). I completed the APP PGR teaching course in 2019-20 and am enrolling for its follow-up this year. I am actively involved in student experience and public engagement: I was Project Officer for the ‘Then & Now: Arts at Warwick’ project in 2019-20, as Administrative Assistant for the Warwick Oral History Network I co-manage a community oral history project with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, and as of January 2021 I am the Arts Faculty’s first Student Engagement Intern. |
Dr Stephen BromfieldDepartment of Chemistry My expertise is in teaching fundamental chemistry concepts, particularly those associated with our practical and laboratory-based curriculum. I am interested in the use of authentic and contextualised assessments within this area, as well as approaches to delivering a personalised learning experience by making large classes ‘feel smaller’. |
Dr Siri ChongchitnanWarwick Mathematics Institute I have expertise in the use of technology in the learning and teaching of mathematics, particularly the use of electronic assessments. I also have extensive experience in outreach (within UK and internationally) on mathematics, astrophysics and coding. |
Richard ClayWarwick Medical School With a wide range of experience and expertise in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), I can offer strategic direction and practical advice that can help raise standards and promote excellence in these areas. I have a keen interest in usability and user interface design for Moodle and other TEL tools, as well as the effect that design practice can have on the online user experience. |
Dr Ric CrossmanDepartment of Statistics My key areas of expertise are in statistical analysis, the student experience, equality and diversity, and general pedagogy. I am particularly focussed at present on how to improve the proportions of students from minority groups who graduate/gain good results from our courses - I am considering admissions, retention and best pedagogical practice in the pursuit of this goal. |
Poonam DaveStudent Opportunity As an Internationalisation Officer in Student Opportunity, I have good experience of working with international students and fostering connections across cultures. I also have experience in facilitating workshops and student experience projects involving co-creation between students and staff. My areas of interest include internationalisation, inclusion and the wider student experience. |
Professor Caroline ElliottDepartment of Economics I am a teaching-focused Professor in the Economics Department, and Deputy Director of the Economics Network which works to enhance the quality of Economics teaching, learning and assessment across the UK university sector, through pedagogy research, providing training workshops and materials. I also have a long-standing interest in technology-enhanced learning. |
Dr Isabel FischerWarwick Business School I am Associate Professor of Information Systems and Management at Warwick Business School, UK. For my teaching and research I focus on how innovative technologies address issues of environmental and social sustainability. I am in particular interested in tackling socially constructed inequalities and in addressing issues around a lack of nuanced conceptualisations of diversity. Prior to joining academia I worked in Technologies and the Financial Services Sector. |
Dr Ross FormanDepartment of English and Comparative Literary Studies I am a specialist in nineteenth-century Anglophone literatures and cultures and queer studies and the academic co-chair of Warwick's LGBTUA+ Taskforce. I plan to work with WIHEA's Queer and Trans Learning Circle to advance initiatives for 'Queering the University.' I also bring a keen interest in internationalisation and study abroad to the academy. |
Dr Claudie FoxDepartment of Psychology I am a psychologist and qualified person-centered therapist and adopt a student-centered approach to learning and teaching. As a WIHEA Fellow, I am keen to explore ways in which to enhance a learning environment at Warwick that improves current wellbeing challenges. I am looking forward to making connections with colleagues from across the University, to work with them and to learn from their experience. |
Dr Daniel FranklinSchool of Life Sciences My subject specific focus is currently on transition into HE and examining whether Quantitative Biology is adequately taught and appreciated at all levels. As I am in a teaching management role at department level, through WIHEA I want to improve teaching management practices and systems to the benefit of all, and I am keen to analyse the data we collect as an institution to identify where we can make improvements and further equality and equity for our students.
Kumayl GangjiDepartment of Chemistry The key experience and expertise I bring to WIHEA is my work in internationalisation, both identifying and assisting in providing a smoother transition for international students settling into Warwick.
Raksha GohelSchool of Life Sciences I am delighted to have been appointed as a student WIHEA fellow again! As a postgraduate student and senior graduate teaching assistant, I hope to bridge any student-staff gaps through my experiences and continue to encourage collaboration. I am very excited to learn from the incredible WIHEA fellows and now more than ever, help to ensure that teaching and learning continues to develop. |
Emily HarrosSchool of Modern Languages and Cultures I am a finalist at the University of Warwick reading English and German and plan to take up my place on a teaching training course with Kenilworth School in September 2021. I intend to continue with both subjects and wish to strengthen the university's existing links with local educational institutions. I have significant experience working with secondary school students - both in the UK and in Germany - and I taught online throughout most of the 2020 lockdown. I hope to bring this knowledge of digital teaching and learning to the WIHEA Fellowship. Having shaped essay-writing resources for incoming university students, I am also interested in facilitating the transition from secondary to tertiary education. |
Jim JudgesAcademic Technology I have a good understanding of the use of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), including Moodle and other tools to develop online interactive learning. I am interested in pursuing ideas and projects that relate to improving the experience of distance and blended learning and anything that can help to combat the challenges faced by online learners. |
Dr Rebecca LimbSchool of Law I am an enthusiastic Early Career Researcher and Teaching Fellow with a commitment to shaping and improving the teaching and learning environment in Higher Education. I strive to provide an inclusive, student-centred, and enquiry-based learning environment that introduces absent and underrepresented voices into the teaching and learning environment through co-creative pedagogies. |
Dr Celine MartinWarwick Manufacturing Group My expertise lays within developing engaging and effective learning interventions with teaching staff, transforming their teaching vision into an engaging, pedagogically robust reality. As a WIHEA Fellow I bring a passion for innovative teaching practices that support, engage, and inspire both tutors and students. |
Maureen McLaughlinWarwick Education Group Becoming a WIHEA Fellow is a fantastic opportunity to join a strong internal network and make good use of my external networks built up over 30 years in UK and overseas HE. The privilege of working with students and colleagues across the University in realising the benefits to learning and teaching of wider engagement with quality assurance and enhancement can enrich my work and enable me to be a stronger asset to the development of the University. |
Dr Helen NolanWarwick Medical School Dr Helen Nolan, Associate Professor, Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement, WMS. I look forward to now becoming involved in WIHEA as a fellow. My experience and interests that I will draw upon in my work with WIHEA include: quality assurance (QA) and enhancement, including QA of regulated programmes and working with PSRBs, medical education, placement learning. Activities I would be interested in becoming involved with include student involvement in quality assurance, student wellbeing in education, and placement learning. |
Nancy OlsonWarwick Manufacturing Group Current interests are focused on the intersection of interdisciplinary ‘signature’ and critical awareness/reflective pedagogies, and the implications of these for creating innovative learning environments and practices which provide opportunities for learners to develop their potential according to their personal, discipline and professional needs and as contributing and critically aware members of society. |
Dr Martyn ParkerDepartment of Statistics I have a passion for digital education which I have applied to enhance teaching, assessment and feedback, most recently deploying this expertise as part of our new blended teaching model. I have worked on national projects, ranging from creating sustainable models for student engagement to embedding learner analytics into curriculum development and review. I have interests in accessibility, student attainment, access to higher education and the opportunities to grow undergraduate research and hope to contribute to these and other areas. |
Jackie PinksDepartment of Computer Science Over the last 15 years I have worked in a range of student-facing and teaching and learning support roles and worked alongside senior teaching leads on various strategic projects. I’m keen to learn from, and help develop, best practice in teaching and learning across the University from a Professional Services perspective. |
Dot PowellWarwick Business School My main area of expertise is in the development and delivery of online and blended learning modules and programmes, and I have a particular interest in the use of online study groups. I'm looking forward to getting involved with projects that focus on the student experience and how we can foster peer-to-peer learning at all levels. |
Pula PrakashDepartment of Global Sustainable Development Being an IATL Co-Creation officer and having worked with the Co-Creation learning circle on a research project exploring co-creational practises within Warwick, I have built an expertise in Co-Creation which I hope to utilise in our work to transform teaching and learning. My areas of interest include pedagogical approaches and wellbeing within Higher Education. |
Dr Jessica SavageDepartment of Global Sustainable Development My approach to teaching and learning focuses on combining problem-based learning, experiential education, and supporting independent research. I aim to give students a real-world component to their learning. Wherever possible, I use experiential learning techniques, encouraging students to use their knowledge and senses as they make connections between different curricula. I look forward to joining learning circles such as co-creation, and research pedagogies. I am particularly interested in joining the internationalisation learning circle, where I hope to discuss how insights from experiential learning can be combined with international experiences. |
Dr Alexander SmithDepartment of Sociology As a former Director of Undergraduate Studies in Sociology, I am passionate about interdisciplinary teaching and learning and the importance of embedding student research in the curriculum. I am keen to draw on my learning in a recently completed MFA to develop opportunities for high-quality, practice-based learning in creative and public writing, equipping our students with lifelong, transferable skills that will enhance their employment prospects beyond graduation. Having been educated in three countries – Australia as an undergraduate, United States on Study Abroad, and the UK as a postgraduate – I am also an advocate of internationalisation in education. |
Dr Bobby SmithSchool of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures Through the WIHEA fellowship I aim to advocate for inclusion and diversity and explore how universities can contribute to social change, embedding these principles in teaching and learning. I hope to contribute with creative approaches to realising these goals, having worked with communities nationally and internationally through participatory arts and performance. |
Professor Azrini WahidinDepartment of Sociology I am the Programme Director for Undergraduate Sociology and Criminology joint degree which I developed at Warwick. I am also a qualified teacher and Senior Fellow of the HEA. I am committed to developing the teaching practices. My expertise is in quality assurance, internationalising the curriculum, widening participation, and developing subject benchmarks. I am a member of the LGBT+ pedagogy learning circle and I look forward to learning more from other colleagues working in the field of digital education, decolonisation of the curriculum and quality assurance measures. |
Lucy YoungSchool of Law I have strong experience of communicating with the student body through different mediums and research methods. I think it’s vital that we understand the teaching & learning adjustments to be made post-Covid, ensuring they align with student preferences and capabilities. |