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Copy of CIM Student Conference 2023

Postgraduate Student Conference 2023

We invite the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts to submit proposals for the upcoming conference "AI: Hype or Revolution?" organized by the students of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM). The conference will take place 29th June 2023 on campus, and will bring together postgraduate students from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds such as sociology, anthropology, philosophy, humanities, linguistics, media studies, aesthetics, art, cultural studies, design, political science, computer science, human-machine interaction, machine learning, big data, and business studies, among others.

We are especially interested in works that take an interdisciplinary approach to explore the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for human and non-human worlds. Dissertations, works in progress, essays and papers from MA and PhD students are encouraged. It is a unique opportunity to receive feedback on your work and participate in an academic conference with your peers.

As AI continues to make new breakthroughs, questions arise about our relationship with these automated machines, sparking debates about the potential benefits and risks associated with this technology. Can AI provide solutions to the fundamental problems facing our societies? How so? Who is behind these AIs? Whom are for? And what is even an AI?

On the one hand, the excitement about the potential of AI to provide solutions to some of the most pressing problems facing society, applied to heterogenous contexts such as climate change, healthcare, and education. On the other, a concern on the social and political issues that may arise, or be reproduced, from these technologies.

In the age of AI, it is increasingly important to consider the impacts of this technology on the world around us. The conference will focus on the ways in which AI is changing the relationships between humans and non-humans, as well as how these changes are reshaping our understanding of the world.

We welcome proposals for presentations and panels that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

What is AI?

  • Philosophical explorations of AI
  • AI and authorship

The social and cultural impacts of AI

  • AI and arts
  • AI in medical research
  • AI and education
  • AI and social media (Recommendation algorithms)
  • AI and Advertising

The ethics of AI

  • Critiques and harms of AI
  • Weaponization of AI
  • Decolonizing AI
  • AI in diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • AI and social justice
  • AI policy and regulation

The role of AI in reimagining human-nonhuman relationships

  • AI and the workplace
  • AI companions

Markets and AI

  • Commoditization of AI
  • AI in fraud analytics
  • AI and cryptocurrency

Interdisciplinary intersections with AI

  • Statistics vs AI
  • Modern linguistics in the NLP era

The implications of AI for the natural environment and non-human species


Proposals should include an abstract of no more than 250 words, a brief bio (50 words max.), and contact information. Please indicate the type of presentation you are proposing (presentation or panel). The event will only be in-person. Participation is limited to students from the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts.

The deadline for proposal submissions is 29 May 2023. Please send your submission through this link: opens in a new window

If you have any queries, email:

We look forward to receiving your proposals and to exploring the complex relationships between humans and non-humans in the AI era.

Conference Organizing Committee: Tilda Du, Javier Garcia Martinez, Caius Liu, Tori Pryce & Emmanouil Xagoraris
