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CIM Student Conference 2024


Postgraduate Student Conference 2024

If you would like to attend the conference, please fill in this form

Data & Everyday Life

9:15 - Arrival and Coffee

9:30 - Welcome and Introduction

9:35 - Panel 1: Platforms, apps and algorithms

11:00 - Coffee break11:45 - Keynote by David Berry: Constitutional Alignment: Critical Methods for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

12:30 - Lunch

1:15 - Panel 2: Data and visualisation

2:30 - Experimental Publishing with Neda Genova

3:30 - Coffee Break

3:45 - Panel 3: Mediation, experience and the personal

5:00 - BBQ and Drinks

A full programme, including all the presentations, can be found here.

If you have any queries, email: