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Loup Cellard contributed to the "Public Algorithms Guide" of the french open data task force.

Loup Cellard contributed to the "Public Algorithms Guide" of the french open data task force.

loup.pngCIM PhD Student Loup Cellard contributed to the "Public Algorithm Guide"released on Friday 15th March by Etalab, the french open data task force. In 2018, Loup conducted an ethnographic fieldwork at Etalab. This service attached to the prime minister assists administrations in applying a new legal framework on public algorithms. This guide, open to contributions and published as part of a wider program is composed of three parts that can be read independently. The first part gives contextual elements: what is an algorithm? How are algorithms used in the public sector? The second part details the issues in terms of ethics and responsibility. The third part presents the legal framework applicable to the transparency of algorithms, particularly following the adoption of the law for a digital republic. The blogpost of the announcement is available here.