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This page aims to help students and staff set up their Mac. In particular, we focus on keeping data secure and integrating with the University of Warwick infrastructure. All member of staff have agreed to abide by the University Regulations and responsible handing of data is particularly important as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are coming into force next year.


Storing and transmitting data securely is important. You can do the following to keep data secure:

  • Make sure your hard drive is encrypted. Note: Most modern Macbooks have this enabled
  • Enable the MacOS firewall
  • Use the Warwick VPN if connecting to the internet via insecure wifi. For example, if you are in a coffee shop. You need to request access to the VPN
  • Encrypt USB drives
  • Save data to the H and M drives. You can connect to these using Expandrive. If your MacOS version is High Sierra then you will need to use the latest version of Expandrive; please contact James
  • Encrypt folders using the MacOS disk utility
  • Delete data following the timescales outlined in the University of Warwick record retention schedule

Data should be classified and handled according to the University Data Classification guidance. Note that all data accessed remotely should be done so through the University VPN.

Data can be stored on the H drive - your personal space on the ITS servers. You can access the H by going to or connecting the the drive in Finder. To connect using Finder please follow the below instructions:

  1. Open finder
  2. Select Go and connect to server
  3. For server address, enter
  4. Press 'Connect' then enter your ITS username and password
  5. The H drive should not appear in finder under shared and hcwebdav

Office 365

The University of Warwick has a contract with Microsoft for Office 365. Your username for these apps is then you can login via Warwick.

Particularly useful Office 365 apps are:

Onedrive for business - Staff and Students can store and share files in OneDrive for Business. Also, can also be used for sharing files

Microsoft Teams - Teams allows groups to chat, share files and work on documents

Microsoft Todo - A todo app which works with the Microsoft Exchange server the University uses.

Office Suite - Word, Excel, Outlook, OneNote and Powerpoint are available online here and the desktop apps here. Files can be saved and shared on your OneDrive for Business space within the suite

All of the above apps have versions which work on Android and iOS.

External services

In general, services such as iCloud, Dropbox and Google (Google Drive, Gmail, etc.) should not be used. The rationale is that these services may not be approved cloud services. Data within the Restricted or Reserved classification used by the University of Warwick should not be stored on these services.

iCloud and Apple apps

Apple office apps (pages, sheets and keynote) allow you to save files onto iCloud and many of the Apple apps save information to iCloud (Notes, Reminders, etc.).

Please avoid sending sensitive information (e.g., student names, internal meeting notes, scheduling information) outside of Warwick and to servers owned by Apple. For this reason, we recommend using the Office 365 apps where possible and saving Apple office app files to the H or M drive via expandrive.