Cagatay Turkay (Professor)
Cagatay Turkay (Centre Director)
Academic profile
I have been with CIM since 2019 first as an Associate Professor and then as a Professor since 2022. Before that I've been first a Lecturer and then a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at City, University of London between 2014 to 2019. At City, I worked with the wonderful colleagues at the giCentreLink opens in a new window. I received my PhD degree in Visualisation from University of BergenLink opens in a new window, Norway in 2014 and served as a visiting research fellow at Harvard University in 2013. I have an MSc and BSc in Computer Science from Sabanci University and Middle East Technical University in Turkey. I frequently publish my research on visualisation journals such as IEEE TVCG, CGF, and IEEE CG&A, as well as journals in machine learning and data mining. I serve on the organising and programme committees for several conferences such as IEEE VIS, EuroVis, BioVis and EuroVA, and serve on the editorial boards of Computers & Graphics and Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction journals, as well as having guest editor roles at ACM TiiS and IEEE CG&A.
I have been awarded the EuroVis Young Researcher award Link opens in a new windowand named a EuroGraphics Junior Fellow in 2019. As of October 2021, I am also a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, UKLink opens in a new window.
My research falls under the broad area that can be referred to as Visual Data Science and focuses on designing visualisations, interactions and computational methods to enable an effective combination of human and machine capabilities to facilitate data-intensive problem solving. I try to understand how people make decisions together with algorithms, investigate the role of interactive visual computing in this process, and also design & build techniques and systems that build on this foundational understanding. More recently, I am investigating the role of interactive visualisation along with other interaction mediums such as natural language to design algorithms and systems that understand and adapt to their users for eventually facilitating explainable and accountable decision-making in situations where humans co-work with algorithms.
I have a special interest in working on problems where high-dimensional, spatio-temporal, heterogenous and large datasets are used in answering questions with data. The human-side of the solutions I aspire to build is of utmost importance and I always try and take a human-centric approach when thinking about problems and solutions. Thanks to this, I have had the pleasure to work with and learn from many researchers with various different backgrounds such as biomedicine, bioinformatics, geography, social science, cyber security to name a few.
I am also involved actively in designing and co-teaching modules such as Data Science Across DisciplinesLink opens in a new window, Visualisation FoundationsLink opens in a new window and Spatial Methods and Practice in Urban ScienceLink opens in a new window as part of our educational offering at CIM.
Areas of Interest: Computer Science, Data Visualisation, Data Science, Human-Computer Interaction
At CIM, I teach the following modules
IM939 Data Science Across DisciplinesLink opens in a new window
IM913 Spatial Methods and Practice in Urban ScienceLink opens in a new window
My office hours are Thursday, 3.30pm - 4.30pm.

Contact details
Mailing address:
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
Room B0.08
University of Warwick