James Tripp (Senior Research Software Engineer)
James Tripp (Senior Research Software Engineer)
My background is in Cognitive Science. I completed both a BSc(Hons) and PhD in Psychology at the University of Warwick, then worked as a Post-Doctoral research fellow. Throughout I carried out statistical analysis and wrote software. The software languages I use are R, HTML, Javascript, Python and C.
My work at CIM encompasses several technological domains to support research and teaching at CIM. I design and deliver workshops in our Postgraduate modules, develop research software, provide bespoke technical support for the centre and manage/deploy the centre's server infrastructure.
Workshops I deliver on CIM vary in topic. In IM902: Approaches to the Digital we develop art web projects in 7 labs which critically engage with critical concepts to studying the digital. Eight labs in IM904: Digital Objects, Digital Methods consider the application of several methodologies in empirically studying digital object. Across 4 labs, the use of geospatial analysis and visualisation is explored in IM913 Spatial Methods and Practice. Within IM921 Visualisation I support the use of R in critically exploring the the creation of data visualisations. In addition, I have delivered QSTEP workshops on statistics, the analysis of social media data in R and work in PostGIS.
To support research at CIM, I have written:
- Backfillz. As part of a Turing funded project, I developed the Backfillz package a Turning funded projects working alongside Gregory McInerny. Backfillz examines MCMC chains using novel visualisations [source code].
- WAYS. I am also working with Gregory McInerny as co-investigator on the Turing funded What Aren't You Seeing (WAYS) project.
- LE-CAT. Recently used in GRP funded workshops, LE-CAT is a Lexicon-based Categorization and Analysis Tool developed by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies in collaboration with the Media of Cooperation Group at the University of Siegen. [source code].
I setup, manage and maintain CIM's various servers which provide a research and teaching infrastructure. These servers host a variety of services including Jupyter Notebooks, TCAT, blogging, ShinyProxy and data capture software within containers.
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
University of Warwick
Email: James dot Tripp at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44 (0) 24 765 74210
Office hours: Click Here
Social Media
GitHub @jamestripp