Paz Saavedra (Student Researcher)
Paz Saavedra
Research Interests: social time, memory, embodiment, situated knowledge, feminism, care, tradition, ancestral practices.
Supervisors: Dr Emma Uprichard and Dr Nerea Calvillo.
Research Topic
Thesis topic: Intergenerational memory in practices of care in Ecuador: the cases of agroecological farming and traditional midwifery.
My thesis suggests that the study of practices of care involving ancestral knowledge brings to the table a distinct possibility of reading social practices. One where the past is configuring the present not only in terms of objectified, tacit knowledge but as an active engagement with the past through which carers open better presents and futures for their families and communities. While seeking to contribute to the ongoing discussion around social time by analysing an empirical case where the past appears not just an invisible dynamic structuring the present, but through an active relationship of care. It also brings attention to the importance of taking care of these practices and carers who open livable presents and futures for all of us.
I am a sociologist with a specialization in political science. I also did a masters (Warwick) in Childhood Studies, where I explored the relation between childhood, technology and social learning.
- 2014-2015: Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Senescyt), Ecuador: Scholarship for international postgraduate studies.
- 2016-2020: Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Senescyt), Ecuador: Scholarship extensión for PhD Studies.
"The embodied memory in traditional practices of care in Ecuador" at The social life of time: power, discrimination and transformation Conference
- “The invisible present of traditional midwives in Ecuador: ancestrality and
contingency in the practices of care of traditional midwives” at the BSA Joint Study Group One Day Conference: Invisible Bodies: Race, Embodiment and the LifeCourse -
"Intergenerational Memory in Traditional Midwifery and Agroecological Farming" at the Seminar Series of the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender – University of Warwick
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
University of Warwick CV4 7AL
Email: M dot P dot Saavedra at warwick dot ac dot uk