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Tibebu Taye Guliliat

Tibebu Taye Gulilat


Research Interests: Technology and Politics, Golalisation and Grassroot Movements, Digital Methodologies, Everyday Social Life.

Supervisors: Dr Naomi Waltham-Smith and Prof. Noortje Marres

Research Topic:

My doctoral research takes as its starting point the constantly evolving everyday lived experiences of the people engaged in digital activism and tries to elucidate the interaction between technology and politics as manifested in the ongoing political ecology of Ethiopia. 2018 is marked as a period of significant progress on media freedom in Ethiopia and was a benchmark for the recent political transition in the country. Against the backdrop, this study will employ an interdisciplinary approach combining ethnography, both on- and offline, with digital social research tools - issue mapping - as an hybrid set of methods to analyse the role of social media in shaping every politics in Ethiopia.

PhD Working title: Digital Activism: How Social Media Shapes Everyday Politics in Ethiopia


During my postgraduate studies to date I have developed a strong grasp of the impact of globalisation in the socio-cultural and political life of the people living in the global south and of the interdisciplinary methodologies that are most useful for investigating the multifaceted dimentions of globalisation. My academic journey is ofcourse always supplemented by diverse work experiences including teaching anthropology to undergraduate students, practicing development in an NGO, and as a Radio Programer.


Master Thesis:
‘Community Participation and Empowerment: A Study of The Hunger Project-Ethiopia’s Work in Southern Ethiopia’(2017).


  • Chancellor’s International Scholarship 21/22, the University of Warwick
  • 2015 Quota Scheme Scholarship 2015, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL