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Alex Bishop

I am a PhD researcher in the Centre for Complexity Science and a member of the Systems biology and infectious disease epidemiology research (SBIDER - formerly WIDERLink opens in a new window) group working with Dr Deirdre Hollingsworth and Dr Thomas House on household models for macroparasitic infections.

My work focuses around developing a stochastic age-structured transmission model incorporating household structure for the spread of soil-transmitted helminths (intestinal worms) with the aim of informing control policy.
In addition to this I am working on developing a more general framework for fast inference on household models for endemic diseases using gradient based MCMC methods.

I have also recently undertaken work for the NTD modelling consortium, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, on producing a global drug demand forecast and cost analysis for the treatment of Lymphatic Filariasis.

Events you may have seen me at:

  • Data study group, May 2017, Alan Turing Institute

  • Stochastic dynamical systems in biology workshop, University of Bath, April 2017
  • Data study group, December 2016, Alan Turing Institute

  • COR-NTD, November 2016, Atlanta

  • ASTMH, November 2016, Atlanta

  • ECMTB, July 2016, Nottingham

  • CCS, September 2016, Amsterdam

  • Fluctuation-driven phenomena in biological systems workshop, April 2016, University of Warwick
  • 116th European Study Group with Industry, April 2016, University of Durham
  • Student Conference in Complexity Science (SCCS), September 2015, Granada
  • PyCon UK, September 2015, Coventry University
  • MathCompEpi 2015, August 2015, Erice
  • 107th European Study Group with Industry, March 2015, University of Manchester
  • Google flu & Big data workshop, December 2014, University of Warwick
  • Mathematical challenges for long epidemic time-series workshop, December 2014, University of Warwick
  • The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution 2014

MSc Projects

  • Modelling the spread of the Varroa mite within the UK honeybee population (March - June 2014)
    Supervised by Dr. Samik Datta and Prof. Matt Keeling.
  • Moment closures for epidemics on clustered heterogeneous networks (June - September 2014)

    Supervised by Dr. Thomas House (in preparation).

Undergraduate background

My undergraduate degree was a M.Phys. in Physics at the University of Warwick from 2009-2013.

  • My final year project was on "Particle track reconstruction for the SuperNEMO neutrinoless double beta-decay experiment" and was completed under the supervision of Dr. Yorck Ramachers.


Email: a<dot>

Office: D2.14