Can we count them? Disabled children and their households
ESRC, Research Grants Scheme
Dr Janet M. Read, School of Health and Social Studies
Professor Emeritus Nick J. Spencer, School of Health and Social Studies
Ms Clare M. Blackburn, School of Health and Social Studies
Brief Description
The study will scope existing quantitative national and regional data sources on disabled children and their households. It will consider the strengths and limitations of these data resources in order to inform the future development of more robust data. Included within the scoping study will be a detailed secondary analysis of data on disabled children an their households from two currently available national data sets - the Family Resources Survey 2002-3 and the Family and Children's Study 2001-2 - which will not only yield new information on this population but will also serve as an exemplar of the wider range of issues under investigation in the proposed study.
Start Date: 2/2006
End Date: 1/2007
We want to encourage interested researchers and users of research from all relevant disciplines to participate in the consultation stage of the project. We want to seek their views on the strengths and limitations of available data sources, their experiences of collecting or using such data and their views on the future purposes for which data is needed and therefore, the type of data that is required. The consultations will be conducted by post, telephone interview or e-mail. Although the study is primarily concerned with UK data sources, contributions to the consultation from other countries will be most welcome allowing us to learn from their experience. Because there are a wide range of users of research with legitimate interests in the development of more robust data on disabled children and their households, we want to take all reasonable steps to ensure that their experience and opinions inform the course of the project and its findings. This approach has been shaped by the National Data Strategy currently being developed by the ESRC. This strategy will help to identify gaps in existing and planned data resources in a number of prioritised research areas.
We should therefore, like to encourage anyone in the UK and elsewhere, who has an interest in contributing to the development of more robust data on disabled children and their circumstances to participate in the consultation phase of the project. While we regard the opportunity to draw on this expertise as an essential element of the study, we are aware of the time constraints under which most of our colleagues work. We shall, therefore, endeavour to conduct the consultation in a way that is efficient and not wasteful of participants’ time. Those who are willing to take part should e-mail, using the title ‘Disabled Children: can we count them?’ in the subject field.
Data sources on disabled children and their households: Do you have a view?