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Institute of Health Research Strategy

1. Continue profiling health related social science research externally and within the University

There are a number of activities that profile health related social science research.

These include:

  • series of seminars – internally organised and externally funded
  • events (Health Inequalities Acheson Quinquennial Review, Legacy of Meg Stacey),
  • edited books
  • a research briefing update that is both printed and on website,
  • maintenance of website health@warwick
  • encouragement of visiting scholars both self funded and funded (on study leave, ESRC and IAS funded)
  • posting of podcasts, research reports and seminar material on website
  • production of regular reports for use internally and externally

2. Develop and support new innovative interdisciplinary research with internal and external collaborators, both within the university and
UK and internationally based, both social science and medically led.

This is done utilising the research groups of the IoH that are supported by the post –doctoral Fellow (20%). These reflect the current interests of members and there is administrative support from the research administrator and post doctoral Research Fellow for these research groups and also internal university funding from both the Social Studies Faculty Research Forum and the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). For example in 2008 Blackburn has been awarded an Incubation Award from the IAS to develop comparative international research on children with disabilities through examining national data-bases in Europe and the US with Visiting Fellows from within the UK and the US. Stuttaford, Ali and Hundt have been supported by the Faculty Research Forum to develop a Global Health and Human Rights group with a programme of research.

3. Give support to the development and management of health related social science research projects within SHSS and give opportunities for research leadership to academic staff and research fellows

The administrator gives administrative support to the development and management of research bids and their knowledge translation activities. The leadership of research groups and events by academic staff gives opportunities for pursuing developing research interests and showing research leadership of research programmes that supports promotion and profiles their work both within the University and externally.

The Co Directors and their peers are available to support these activities.

4. Maintain and expand UNTRAP

The University/User Teaching and Research Action Partnership in Health and Social Care (UNTRAP) was established in 2004 and has 200+ members, that have registered an interest in being involved in teaching and research of professionals being trained in health, medicine and social work. It functions across the Universities of Warwick and Coventry, has held a number of events, and is organised through a steering group of members and academics. Members teach directly, are involved in admissions, curriculum development and admissions, and with research through governance and advisory activities. UNTRAP is funded until 2011 and the aim is to expand the diversity of members in terms of age, and ethnicity and involve more community organisations as well as individuals.

5. Provide support to the health related social science teaching in
Warwick Medical School and within SHSS.

This teaching is carried out by the core health group in SHSS (Blackburn, Dolan, Hundt, Markham with support from Blaxter and Coe) and covers

  • courses in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the four year graduate entry MBCHB programme,
  • the delivery of a core module on the Masters in Public Health and the Masters in Applied Social Research
  • PhD supervision

This teaching is a core activity and is supported by the research administrator of the IoH and strategically reviewed by the health teaching group.

6. Involve PhD students and post doctoral fellows in health related social science research with activities in the IoH as part of a research apprenticeship

This has been done in a range of ways. PhD students have been involved in research groups, and in helping to organise events and involving PhD students and RFs with the Management Committee and the Advisory Group. Post doctoral students have continued their connection as Associate Fellows with funded fellowships and involvement in research projects. The fractional post doctoral RF post has been held by a number of RFs and used as a developmental opportunity. Three of these have continued on to permanent lectureships (Stuttaford, Tsouroufli, Lowe).
