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Presentations and background papers

  Thursday 19th April 2007


Professor Paul Hunt (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health) – ‘Reflections on Implementing the Right to Health’(Word Document) . Download background papers on this presentation:

- Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 60/251 of 15.03.06 entitled "Human Rights Council"(PDF Document)

- UN Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health(Word Document)


 • Professor Upendra Baxi (University of Warwick) - 'The Place of the Human Right to Health. Contemporary Approaches to Global Justice; Some Impertinent Interrogations'(PDF Document)


Dr Lisa Forman (University of Toronto)  - 'What Future for the Minimum Core? From the Margins to the Centre: The International Right to Health and the South African Experience' (Powerpoint Presentation)


Professor Udo Schüklenk (Glasgow Caledonian University) - 'The 10/90 Gap in International Health Research - Drug R&D: Whose Moral Responsibility is it?'(Powerpoint Presentation)



Friday 20th April 2007


Dr Brigit Toebes (University of Aberdeen) - 'Taking a Human Rights Approach to Health Care Commercialisation'(Powerpoint Presentation)


Professor Simon Caney (University of Oxford) - 'Global Justice, Health and Climate Change'


Professor John Harris (University of Manchester) on the ethical limits of global organ markets


Professor Roger Brownsword (King's College London)  - 'The Ancillary-Care Responsibilities of Researchers: Reasonable But Not Great Expectations' (Word Document)










NEW - To download Summary Report of this Seminar please click here(PDF Document).