Current Research Projects
Age Concern England(ACE): Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Small Grants to Hospital Aftercare Services for Developing Social Rehabilitation
September 2005- February 2006
Dr Eileen McLeod (Principal Investigator)
Dr Denise Tanner (Co-applicant)
Professor Paul Bywaters (Co-applicant)
Researcher Maureen Hirsch
Current Materials
Andrew Gibson
Recent research:
- Title: Health and community development: is the concept of social capital helpful? (funded by the Open University) - September 2001 - January 2006
- Title: Evaluation of Coventry Sure Start focusing on 'hard to reach groups' - May 2005-May 2006
- Title: A Review of Home Care and Support for People with Sight Loss (Funded by the Thomas Pocklington Trust) - March-October 2005
Denise Tanner
Recent research:
Sustaining the self in later life: older people’s management of unmet need
Related publications:
- Tanner, D. (2001) ‘Partnership in Prevention: messages from older people’, Chapter 7 in V. White, and J. Harris (eds) Developing Good Practice in Community Care, London: Jessica Kingsley.
- Tanner, D. (2001) ‘Sustaining the self in later life: implications for community-based support’, Ageing and Society, 21 (3): 255-278.
- Tanner, D. (2003) 'Older people and access to care', British Journal of Social Work, 33 (4): 499-515.
- Tanner, D. (2005) ‘Promoting the well-being of older people: messages for social workers’, Practice, 17(3): 191-205.