Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal
October has been filled with two major activities for Exchanges. Firstly, the preparations for publication of the forthcoming volume 10.1 of the journal – scheduled for the end of the month at time of writing – have been a particular focus. All being well by the time you read this newsletter you’ll be able to access the new issue and its array of articles via the following DOI.
Expanding the Board
Alongside that, following the open call distributed via the EUTOPIA alliance and associate institutions, the Editor-in-Chief has been meeting with potential candidates to join the journal’s Editorial Board. This process is now complete, and a number of new and exciting editors will be onboarded from next month. Once the new Board members have passed through their induction phase each will be set to work on incoming manuscripts, likely initially working closely with one of our experienced editors. Because they are also our ambassadors at large for the journal, increasing the internationalisation of the Board’s membership stands to play particular dividends in terms of attracting new authors to submit their work to the title. On top of this, these new joiners will also provide the editorial team with a greater resource for handling the ever-rising range of submissions received by Exchanges. You can of course find out more about the Editorial Board via the link below.
Exchanges Live and In Person
As has been traditional, the Editor-in-Chief has been contributing to the IAS Accolade programme for research fellows. Firstly, they popped up at the induction event in early October, before returning to host one of their popular Exchanges: Ask Me Anything interactive and unplugged sessions at the end of the month. Both of these sessions have been live and in person for the first time in a couple of years, making for a pleasant change of pace from remote presentation! The Editor-in-Chief is also collaborating with Warwick’s Leadership and Management Development department, and will be contributing to a series of workshops on the theme of academic publishing and editing. It is hoped over the year the workshops are running, that all three cohorts of participants will also be able to contribute to a special issue of the journal planned for publication in the Autumn term 2023.
The Exchanges Discourse podcast
More new episodes of the companion podcast to the journal are now live, featuring further interviews with authors to the recent special issue of the journal. These sessions have given rise to some of the most content rich episodes we’ve recorded to date, and our thanks is noted to each of the contributors for their participation and generous insights. One final episode related to this issue is due for release in the next week or so, but after that we hope to arrange discussions with authors from the October ’22 issue of Exchanges to round out an engaging year of podcasting. You can find all the episodes of The Exchanges Discourse on most podcasting platforms (including Spotify) by searching on the name, or via the link below:
Call for Papers: Authentic Interdisciplinarity & Open Call
A quick reminder of our current open calls for contribution. Firstly, as part of our tenth anniversary preparations for the October 2023 issue of the journal, our very special call for contributions concerning ideas, conceptions or perceptions around authentic interdisciplinarity. You can find details of this call for papers here. Take note that the closing date for peer reviewed pieces is not too far away now, but there’s still a few months to submit a conversation or critical reflection piece.
Additionally, Exchanges’ open call for manuscript submissions throughout the year by scholars in all disciplines remains available. We are as always especially keen to represent work from first-time or less experienced authors, within the early career research community. Details of this open call for contributions can be found here:
As with all Exchanges calls, the Editor-in-Chief welcomes discussions with potential authors ahead of submission, although this is not a pre-requisite.
About the Journal
Exchanges is dedicated to supporting and propagating research discourse primarily, but not exclusively, from early career scholars around the globe. Framed in an interdisciplinary mode, articles are intended to be read by a broad academic audience. The journal also has a strong developmental ethos, embraced within its editorial culture and increasing authorial development outreach activities. The journal’s operations are managed by its Editor-in-Chief, Dr Gaz J Johnson, based at the IAS. The journal is supported by an Editorial Board network with members recruited from institutions comprising Warwick’s global research partners. Contact the Editor-in-Chief at: