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Fieldwork - Investigating Attitudes towards Medieval Philosophy in the UK Undergraduate Philosophy Curriculum


This is the empirical component of the project The Theological Bias and the Theological Heritage in Scientific Disciplines, led by Dr Dino Jakušić.

The project aims to investigate the perception of the philosophical sub-disciplines of Medieval Philosophy and History of Medieval Philosophy among professional philosophers and HE educators based at UK universities. Medieval philosophy is offered as a part of undergraduate curriculum at very few philosophy departments in the UK. The goal is to understand why this subdiscipline tends to be overlooked and what impact the limited opportunity to engage with it may have on students and philosophical education in more general terms.

The project intends to interview professors of philosophy across the UK who are in a position to have a say in the construction of the educational and research offer of their departments and understand their thought- process concerning the inclusion (or otherwise) of Medieval Philosophy and the History of Medieval Philosophy in their students’ undergraduate curricula.

The project intends to provide data to reflect on and rethink the standard undergraduate Philosophy curriculum in the UK. It will investigate possible limitations and presuppositions that influence current curricular provision and aims to provide insights towards more balanced, research informed decision regarding the structure of undergraduate philosophy courses.


Dr Dino Jakušić, Assistant Professor (Research), Pathways to Knowledge Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick.

Dr Giulia Lorenzi, Associate Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick.

Ms Mouli Banerjee, Early Career Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick.

Ethical Approval

The project has been granted full ethical approval by the University of Warwick Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee on 12 December 2024, under the following reference: HSSREC 56/24-25


  • The overall project, including this part, is funded by the Pathways to Knowledge Fellowship awarded by the Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick
  • This part of the project is supported by the IAS Award funding source awarded by the Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick