Dr Ryan Arthur
Associate Professor - Pathway to Knowledge Fellow

Institute of Advanced Study (IAS)
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Ryan was awarded a P2K Fellowship by the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) to address the biases of researching the black experience in the higher education sector. Current research often distorts the full humanity of black students by only documenting their negative experiences; difference is viewed through the lens of adversity and joylessness. However, so much more can be gained through the lens of value. Correspondingly, Ryan will spend his fellowship developing a praxis of appreciation. Three projects will be developed from the fellowship to promote this praxis.
Project 1: Articles that employ the praxis of appreciation to develop beneficial knowledge in various sectors.
Project 2: Seminars that lift the veil of researching race in the academy.
Project 3: Learning how to enhance the experiences of Black students in UK universities by learning from US historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs)
Project 4: Development of an anti-deficit framework that enables researchers to draw from the rich experiences of black students.
Dr Ryan Arthur is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at the University of Warwick. He holds a BA, MPhil, and PhD in the social sciences. He also has an MA in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and a postgraduate qualification in coaching. He was a lecturer in law at the University of Reading and SOAS, University of London. He previously managed learning development at the Birkbeck Business School, University of London, and the Institute for the International Education of Students. He describes his pedagogical approach as student-centred, dialogic, and engaging. His research interests include the BME award gap, decolonisation, and innovative pedagogies.
Arthur, R. (2025) Ultimate Study Hacks. Bloomsbury. (Forthcoming)
Backhouse, A. Arthur, R, Ryan, Greg. Ramchurn, M. (2025) ‘Why not take what we do inside, outside? Integrating Forum Theatre into Dementia Care Mapping’. Health & Social Care in the Community. (Forthcoming)
Xu, S., Zhou, X and Arthur, R. (2025) A Guide to Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Business Schools. British Academy of Management. Edward Elgar
Arthur, R. (2023) 'Closing the gap: Learning development and race' in Buckley, C and Syska, A. (2023) How to Be a Learning Developer in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives, Community and Practice. Routledge.
Arthur, R. and Huda, N. (2023). 'Coming in together: Staff-student collaboration in an Online Induction Process' in Sinfield, S, Abegglen, S. and Burns, T. (2023) Collaboration in Higher Education: A new ecology of practice. Bloomsbury.
Arthur, R. (2023) "Conscious' learning development: towards a pedagogy of race-consciousness', Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (26). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi26.928.
Arthur, R. (2023) 'To hack or not to hack: The ethical dilemmas of teaching reading hacks to students'. JADE. 25.
Arthur, R. (2022) 'I want to learn new things but still be myself: A decolonial approach to Education for Social Justice'. Investigations. 13
Webb, J and Arthur, R. (2022) An evaluation of the experiences of the hidden curriculum of Black and minority ethnic undergraduate health and social care students at a London university, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46:3, 312-326, DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2021.1915967
Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (2024) ‘Interview with Dr Ryan Arthu - Race Consciousness in Learning Development’, https://aldinhe.ac.uk/networking/the-ld-project-podcast/Link opens in a new window
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘Pedagogies of Discomfort’ BSA Auto/Biography Christmas Conference 2024: Challenge and Change, British Sociological Association, 6th December, https://www.britsoc.co.uk/events/key-bsa-events/challenge-and-change/Link opens in a new window
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘Praxis of Appreciation’, British Sociological Association Education Seminar Series, October 23rd
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘Aim for the stars: A reimagining of inclusion in higher education, UK & Ireland Discs Meeting 2024, University of Warwick, 10th September, https://ukidiscs.github.io/discs2024/Link opens in a new window
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘The student as editor: Reimagining of the assessment’ Warwick Education Conference: Reimagining Assessment, University of Warwick, 2nd May, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7kxXyMxRmU&t=4sLink opens in a new window
Arthur, R. and Musson, D. (2024) ‘Writing stories together to understand our practice’ Decolonising our Warwick Experience, University of Warwick, 26th April.
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘Inclusion in the sciences’, EQUITEA, University of Warwick, 29th April, https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/research/astro/seminars/equitea/Link opens in a new window
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘Decolonising teaching practices’, Race Xchange, University of Warwick and Coventry University, 27th March
Arthur, R. (2024) ‘Why not take what we do inside, outside? Reflections on teaching non-university students’, Nano Conference, Coventry University, February 28th https://www.coventry.ac.uk/events/2023/nano-conference-8/Link opens in a new window
Arthur, R., Abraham, K., Earl-Lewis, M., and Teague, J. (2024) ‘Can I get a Witness?” echoes in the African Diaspora historical experience as "call and response”’ Global Inclusion Regional Summit, London Metropolitan University, 13 - 15 March. https://www.cvent.com/c/src/f720d38d-40ed-4ef4-8981-db55491c6711/summary
Arthur, R. (2022) 'The comedy of pedagogy: using stand-up comedy techniques to enhance teaching. Resilience in an Uncertain World. Birkbeck College, University of London. July. Refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=598uVtNTtJE&t=1sLink opens in a new window
Arthur, R. (2022) 'To hack or not to hack: The ethical dilemmas of teaching reading hacks to undergraduate students' Becoming Well Read' (BWR). Keele University. 8th June.
Arthur, R. (2021) 'Learning Development and Neurodiversity' North Highland Conference, Birkbeck, University of London. 28 – 29 July.
Arthur, R. (2021) 'Between a rock and a hard place: The dilemmas of difference in the academy' Learning Specialists Association of Canada (LSAC), Concordia University, 18th May.
Arthur, R. (2021) 'Towards a pedagogy of Consciousness' ALDcon21 Association of Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE), 7 – 9 April.
Arthur, R. (2020) 'Decolonisation of the curriculum', Learning and Teaching Conference (LTC), London Metropolitan University, 23 – 26 June.