IAS Visiting Professor/Associate Professor
IAS Visiting Fellowships support visits of up to 3 months in order to enrich the academic life of the University and create lasting links with established academics and other high-profile figures from around the globe. These fellowships advance the mission of the IAS by bringing new expertise and knowledge to Warwick in order to share it with an interdisciplinary audience of researchers and to create ongoing research collaborations.
Offer to Fellows
- Title IAS Visiting Professor/Associate Professor
- Fellowships are awarded for visits of 1-3 months which may be split into a number of shorter visits (if budget allows).
- Travel costs up to £2500
- Up to £500 to support fellowship activities delivered at Warwick
- Small per diem payment to support living expenses when based at Warwick
- Accommodation in the IAS housing at Cryfield Grange or Cryfield Cottage.
- University email account and ID card which will enable access to the library, and other University facilities including access to the host department’s equipment and facilities, as agreed by the Department.
Expectations of Fellows
Fellows will be hosted by their nominator, and will largely be based in the nominators department, but they will be expected to undertake a programme of research and other activities which engage across departments and disciplines. The visiting fellow will also be expected to spend time in the IAS to present their work to our interdisciplinary mix of fellows and engage with our Early Career Researcher community. The fellowship activities should be appropriate to the scholarship and experience of the fellow and may include activities such as:
- Developing research collaborations, publications & funding applications with the nominating host and other academics
- Networking and engagement with IAS postdoctoral fellows and other early career researchers to give insight into academic career development and opportunities outside the UK
- Exploration of collaborative research opportunities with other groups & individuals at Warwick
- Interdisciplinary engagement researchers beyond the host academic department possibly through participation in the activity of the Spotlights and other interdisciplinary research Institutes at Warwick
- Research training events targeted at early career scholars (e.g. IAS Accolade Programme, DTPs, Faculty postdoc groups etc) which aim to develop knowledge and expertise not otherwise available at Warwick
- Events aimed at public audience, possibly in collaboration with Warwick Institute of Engagement
- Research talks, workshops or other events aimed at an engaging an audience beyond the Fellow’s immediate field of specialism and developing new research collaborations
- Presentation of Fellow’s core research to specific disciplinary audience (e.g departmental research seminars)
- Any other activities which meet the aims of the programme
Appointment type
Commonly, visiting associates will be individuals of appropriate academic/professional standing who are employed by another university or similar institution. Visiting associates may also be from outside academia, such as in the arts or business. The association will be made at an appropriate academic standing equivalent to a University of Warwick appointment level (Associate Professor or Professor).