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Information for Award Holders


We have put together a list of FAQs to try and help answer any questions that our award holders and their support team may have with regard to the organisation of the Fellowships. If you still have any queries, please get in touch with us via email at:

What happens after i receive Award Letter?

Please return acceptance form to IAS so they can request cost code for you ( it can take up to 4 weeks to get a Cost code). Once visitor have confirmed arrival dates please send all the other relevant forms to IAS so they can book accommodation and store documents to process for Per Diem and Honorary Status.

Please note: Fellow will need to sort their visa themselves by visiting this link Check if you need a UK visa - GOV.UK (

Who makes the travel arrangements for the Visiting Fellow?

The hosting Department (Departmental Administrator / Secretary) is responsible for booking flights and transfers, as they are able to liaise more directly with the nominator and VF and know of the requirements that will best suit the fellowship arrangements, using the University’s approved suppliers and in accordance with FinRegs. The cost will be coded to the internal order code notified by the IAS.

Please note that when booking travel the University's Financial Regulations must be adhered to. The updated guidance (as of April 2022) states the following:

  • European bookings over £1000 for travel or accommodation MUST still be placed via Key Travel.
    Bookings must not be split to fall under this threshold
  • ALL overseas travel bookings to destinations other than in Europe MUST still be placed via Key
    Travel regardless of value
  • UK bookings over £1000 MUST still be placed via Key Travel. Bookings must not be split to fall under
    this threshold


Does the Visiting Fellow require a visa?

This will depend on the nationality of the VF. The VF is responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary authority and paperwork to visit the UK. Information about visa requirements is available on the Government website.Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window In the award letter sent to the Fellow, we state that should they require a visa to visit the UK, a standard visitor visa should be sufficient, providing that they are here to carry out their own personal research with some informal academic collaboration. If the Fellow feels that this does not summarise their activities whilst at Warwick, we ask them to contact us immediately so that we can contact the Immigration Team and they can advise on the next steps.


Can 1st or business class be used?

Only in exceptional circumstances. The University’s financial regulations state that only economy class flights should be booked (see Financial Procedure 16.4.4Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window).

For those who suffer from a medical condition which would be exacerbated by a long-haul flight in economy class, an upgrade to an appropriate class may be agreed in advance by contacting the Financial Regulations team at: This would have to be supported by a certificate or letter from a Medical Practitioner. The request to FinRegs should include flight details, the reason why the request is being made and have the prior approval of your Head of Department. Please note that the new FinRegs rules state that all requests for approval should be sent via your FinRegs Department Champion,

This rule also applies to rail fares; the University will only reimburse the cost of an economy class ticket and not First Class.

How does the Visiting Fellow travel from the airport to the University?

The hosting department is responsible for organising the travel arrangements from the airport to Warwick. If the fellow is arriving at Birmingham Airport or is travelling to Warwick via Coventry, IAS can provide details of a local taxi company with which the IAS has an account. The department or the fellow can book the taxi journey from Coventry to Warwick using this account. If the Fellow is arriving at another UK airport, we would request that the department assist them with their travel arrangements in getting to Warwick.

What payment does the Visiting Fellow receive? What does this cover?

The Fellow will receive a per diem which is calculated at a rate of £55 per day (up to a maximum of £1540). This is to be used to cover their living expenses whilst staying at the University, i.e., breakfast, lunch & dinner. The money is transferred into the Fellow's bank account.

Please note: If the Fellow is based in the UK, a per diem is not payable. Instead, the Fellow should claim for expenses incurred during the visit using the University’s expense claim form (FP16a), in accordance with the University's Financial Regulations. The completed claim form should be submitted either to the IAS or to the hosting department, together with all original receipts, for processing against the code created for the award.

When will I receive my per diem?

It can take up to 6- 8 weeks for expenses to process your payments and funds show in your bank account therefore we request to please submit all your paperwork 1 month before your arrival so that you can be paid during your visit.

What should I do if the dates of the visit need to change?

Please notify the IAS as soon as you are aware of the change by emailing us at: We will need to notify our Staff Accommodation Team as soon as possible to ensure that there is still availability at our residential accommodation. Please note that sometimes it may not be possible to accommodate the Fellow at the residential accommodation on the revised dates due to the restricted availability of accommodation available to the IAS (see below).

What accommodation is provided?

The IAS has 2 residential facilities: Cryfield Grange, comprising 3 double ensuite rooms; and Cryfield Cottage 1, a self-contained cottage with 2 double bedrooms, each with private bathroom facilities but the kitchen area is shared and can have both male and female fellows. Cryfield Grange is a 15/20 minute walk to central campus. Cryfield Cottage is on campus, close to the Arts Centre. Neither of these accommodation facilities is staffed and arrangements are made so that a member of the Staff Accommodation team can meet the Fellow at the Grange /Cottage to handover keys and a welcome pack. At certain times of the year, the rooms become fully booked well in advance. In light of this, we ask that applicants (nominators) provide three possible visit dates so that we may be able to accommodate the Fellow(s) on at least one of these.

The actual accommodation location for the Fellow(s) will be confirmed nearer the time of the visit.


Are there any restrictions on arrival times/dates?

As Cryfield Grange/Cryfield Cottage are not staffed, we would ask that, where possible, Fellows arrive at Warwick on weekdays only and the check-in times are between 12-3pm so that a member of the Staff Accommodation Team can meet the Fellow and handover keys and welcome pack. If arriving at the weekend or on a bank holiday, host will have to book a room for visitor at one of the Conference Centres (subject to availability) for the first night and then transfer to Cryfield Grange/Cottage the following morning.


Who is responsible for booking the accommodation?

The IAS will liaise with the Staff Accommodation Team to confirm all bookings at the accommodation. Therefore, as soon as you have confirmation of the dates please let us know so that we can update the team accordingly but its not always guaranteed.


Can the Visiting Fellow be accompanied by a partner/spouse?

Yes – the Fellow can be joined by their spouse. We would need to be made aware of this prior to their arrival. This information is also requested on the Arrival Details form that we ask the Fellow to complete and return to us prior to their visit.


Can the Visiting Fellow be accompanied by their children?

The residential accommodations cannot accommodate any children under the age of 18. If the Fellow wishes to bring along their family, then we would ask the department to look for alternative accommodation. We would recommend contacting the Staff & Family Housing Team: Applying for accommodation (

Does the Visiting Fellow have access to the Sports Centre?

Yes - the Fellow can pay to use the Sports Centre during their visit to Warwick. The facilities can be accessed on a pay-as-you go basis. For further information on the Sports Centre and the price list please see their website.

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What are the arrangements for catering and booking venues for events organised as part of a visiting fellowship?

It is preferable for the hosting department to assist the PI with all catering and venue bookings. The IAS can provide the cost code for the charges to be made to and we would request a copy of all bookings where the cost code is used so that we can keep track of spend against the award.

If available, the IAS Meeting room or IAS Seminar room can be booked for events hosting up to 16 or 50 people respectively. To check for availability and/or to make an on-line booking please click hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.

How does the Visiting Fellow get around when wanting to go off campus?

The IAS has an account with a local taxi company in Coventry.
The IAS will pay for local trips of less than 8 miles that are made for IAS-related business, which covers meetings with the Warwick nominator and other Warwick staff about the Fellowship/research, but does not include social events, for example theatre trips. IAS will not normally pay for trips of more than 8 miles one-way without prior arrangement; please contact the IAS Programme Co-ordinators via email at: or on (0)24 761 50565.

Who handles the publicity for events?

The hosting department (normally the nominator) is responsible for the production of posters/fliers and other promotional literature as well as the overall promotion of the fellow’s events. The IAS logo should be displayed on all event mate- please download our logo. This link is also contained in the award letter to the nominator. The IAS would ask that it is sent copies of events and activities for posting and we will display events and activities on the IAS Events Calendar and on social media.

How can Visiting Fellow claim expenses of visa fees and others?

Fellows can submit a fp16a.pdf ( with receipts and send them to their host department which they will process using the cost code provided by IAS.

Final Report & Feedback

An end of award report from the Warwick nominator is due within 6 weeks of the end of the Fellowship. Principal Investigators with outstanding end of award reports will be ineligible to make future IAS applications.

The IAS would also appreciate feedback from the International Fellow following their departure.