IAS Annual Report 2019
In 2017-18, the IAS continued to support interdisciplinary collaborations both within Warwick and internationally. It welcomed 26 new Early Career Fellows and a further nine WIRL-COFUND Fellows. The IAS also provided funding for 20 interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research projects, welcomed 41 international visiting fellows and residential fellows from all continents and supported two Vacation Schools.
The IAS has also expanded international collaborations by securing funding for the Rutherford Fellowships which will see twelve young academics from collaborating institutions around the world visiting us for three months each. Additionally a Warwick graduate has made a significant donation to enable us to create the Fernandes Fellowships – a longer-term scheme to bring colleagues from European nations.
This Annual Report and the IAS website provide a summary of the Institute’s many initiatives in particular in relation to supporting academic research; engagement with the interdisciplinary postdoctoral community; and the development of University-wide projects.
If you require a hard copy of the Annual Report please ias at warwick dot ac dot uk.