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Creation of Warwick Online Open Access Module Understanding Wellbeing

Open Call to Wellbeing Experts Monday the 9th of December, from 1 to 2pm in the Experimental Teaching Space, Teaching Grid, Library

Are you researching one of the many facets of Wellbeing, from its medical implications to social and political aspects? Are you developing and/or assessing one of the many Wellbeing practices, from Mindfulness to Sport, to Art Therapy? Are you experimenting with Wellbeing pedagogies in your learning and teaching space? Are you a Wellbeing practitioner?

We need you!

Funded by the Warwick Innovation Fund, we aim to create the Warwick open-access (to all students and staff) online module "Understanding Wellbeing”, based on the correspondent, interdisciplinary IATL in-classroom module.

The principal aim of the online module will be to facilitate the participants’ exploration of Wellbeing from a range of different disciplines, and to enable them to critically evaluate the relevance of a personal and practice-based approach to it. In other words, the module will be a tool for achieving a better understanding of Wellbeing and its practices, empowering its participants.

We are working together with a wider cross-institutional team of staff and students for the development of such online module and we hope to able to capture your voice and your work in this field.

To find out more about the project and explore options for contribution, please come along to the Open Call meeting on Monday the 9th of December, from 1 to 2pm in the Experimental Teaching Space, Teaching Grid, Library. The team will be available until 3pm to discuss contributions and respond to additional queries.

Please register to the Open Call here.

Thank you!

Dr Elena Riva (IATL Director of Studies), Dr Kathryn Woods (Director of Student Experience for the Faculty of Arts), Kerry Pinny (Senior Academic Technologist, IT Services)