Rethinking Assessment Practices in Higher Education - Masterclass for Health Educators

Masterclass for Health Educators
'Implementing Effective Assessment in Health Professions Education'
8 July 10 am and 11 July 12.30 pm
Warwick Medical School
A Masterclass for all Warwick health educators
We are excited to invite you to participate in a unique professional education masterclass, developed through the Monash-Warwick AllianceLink opens in a new window funded project ‘Rethinking Assessment Practices in Higher EducationLink opens in a new window’. This initiative aims to overcome barriers that prevent health educators from transitioning from traditional assessment methods to more diverse, dynamic, and feedback-oriented practices in higher education.
The masterclass is free of charge and will delve into the lived experiences of both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as public health educators from Monash and Warwick universities.
Our goal is to enhance assessment literacy among health professions educators through this comprehensive program.

Register for the Masterclass and Focus Group:
Register just for the Masterclass:
Taking part in the Focus Group
After the masterclass we kindly ask you to consider joining one of our focus groups, you would join a focus group volunteering to evaluate the masterclass's impact and help us identify and understand the challenges in implementing effective assessment strategies. These focus groups will bring together fellow health educators, providing a platform for mutual support and inspiration as you share your teaching experiences and respond to research questions.
The focus groups will consist of fellow health educators with similar teaching experiences during between 60 and 90 minutes, allowing you to inspire and support each other as you respond to the researcher’s questions.
Your participation in the focus groups will be crucial for generating recommendations to enhance the masterclass and guide the future development of assessment methods. The insights gained from this research will inform future assessment education strategies and refine the training programs for new educators at Monash and Warwick universities.
Your insights will be invaluable in helping us improve assessment practices across the field of public health education.

If you are a staff member at the University of Warwick who teaches or provides assessments for a health course and would like to participate in the masterclass and focus group, please read the Participant Information Leaflet (PIL)Link opens in a new window and register. After registering, a research officer will contact you via email with a consent form. For more information or inquiries, please contact us at: or email Tania Villanueva-Cabello (Research Project Officer) at