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Submission Page

How to submit your IATL assessment

We invite all IATL students (UG and PGT) to submit their assessments produced on IATL modules (or modified versions of these assignments) to the IATL Assessment Exhibition. The mark you received for your work on the IATL module will not be displayed.

To submit your assignment, please complete the form embedded on this page entirely, including the consent form to showcase your work.

You will be asked on the form to upload 3 key items:

  1. Your IATL assessment

*Please ensure you have removed the IATL coversheet from your submission, that there are no feedback annotations or comments visible in your work, that the mark you received is not showing and you have removed your Warwick ID number.

  1. A summary of your IATL assessment (max 250 words). You may have already written an abstract for your assignment. If so, please upload this unless you have already submitted it through your IATL module's Moodle page.
  1. A short bio (max 50 words)

Once you have uploaded these, the consent form will be made available for you to sign electronically.

We infer that by signing the consent form and submitting your IATL project for the Assessment Exhibition, you have offered consent as per the terms and conditions.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact

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Please use the QR code to access the form.

QR code to enable form submission