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Sport, Philosophy, and Practice

Sport, Philosophy and Practice

An IATL interdisciplinary module

Module Code

IL022 Level 5 (Intermediate)

IL122 Level 6 (Year 3/Finalist)

Module Convenor

Prof Jonathan Heron (IATL)


Spring term

Tues 11:00 - 13:00

Studio 1, Millburn House


Practical Presentation 50%

Critical Review 50%

What is the module about?

Sport has profound connections with our physical, social, and psychological lives. It perforates our everyday experiences whether we participate in it or not. What precisely do we understand as 'sport' and what constitutes a sporting environment? What is the distinctive value and nature of sport in human experience? How do ethics, aesthetics, and a search for knowledge about ourselves and the world factor into our sporting endeavours? Where does sport as an extra-curricular activity meet established curricula? These are just some of the questions this module will invite you to explore. In addressing them you will encounter theories from a variety of disciplines, have the chance to analyse film, literature, and your own sporting practice, and engage in practical field work through active learning.

What will the module cover?

The module will cover three philosophical approaches to sport: the aesthetic, the ethical and the experiential. These overarching principles will inform particular sessions on play, movement and beauty in sport as well as issues of identity, coaching and health. Finally, we will explore the ways in which sporting cultures and philosophical study can develop your own personal practice. Students will be able to identify their own topics and examples around these themes. All practical activities will be designed to be as inclusive and participatory as possible, and students can have any engagement in sport which will be broadly defined to include amateur and community settings, as well as professional and commercial contexts. You do not need to be able to play sport to a high level in order to engage with this module, but you will need to identity a practical example through observation or participation.
Rowers on a boat
  • Practical Presentation 50%

This will include submitting a written plan and leading a 10-15 min. practical activity

  • Critical Review 50% (2000 words for Level 5 or 2500 words for Level 6)

Learning Outcomes

See module catalogue [link to follow]

Consider showcasing and celebrating your work. See our Assessment Exhibition Link opens in a new windowfor inspiration!

How to register

Complete our online form to request your place.

Once IATL have confirmed you have been allocated a place, follow your home department's procedure to register.