Yanyan Li
Hey everyone, welcome to my zone 🙌 ! My name is Yanyan Li, PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick. My research interests cover multimodal communication, conversion analysis, social interaction, group work and classroom discourse. In my PhD research, I delve into the multimodal interactional processes where peers undertake relationship work during group interaction. My supervisors are Professor Tony LiddicoatLink opens in a new window and Professor Steve MannLink opens in a new window.
I am involved in several programmes and training initiatives across different departments at Warwick. I am responsible for seminar teaching on the Spoken Interaction course and dissertation supervision for the MA TESOL programme in the Department of Applied Linguistics.
In addition, I work as a Facilitator for the Intercultural Training programme at Warwick Student Opportunity and as an Associate Tutor for both the Department of Computer Science and Warwick Medical School. I also serve as a Course Mentor for the Department of Chemistry, and a Postgraduate Mentor for Social Mobility Student Research Hub.
Previously, I worked as a Peer-to-Peer Tutor for On-Track Talk, the Academic Writing Station, and the Language Exchange Programme at Warwick Library. Currently, I continue my involvement with the library as a Warwick Library Student Partner, supporting and organising various events such as Research Refresh, PG Tips, and Undergraduate Open Day.
Academic Background
- 2021-2025:PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK
- 2019-2020:MA in Applied Linguistics, University College London, UK
- Graduated with Distinction
- 2015-2019:BA in English Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, China
- Graduated with First-Class Honour Equivalent
- Excellence Training Exchange Programme, King's College London - Beijing Normal University (2018)
- Awards
- Outstanding Graduate of Beijing City, China
- Outstanding Graduate of Beijing Normal University
- First-class Scholarship (2016-2017, 2017-2018)
- Merit Student (2016-2017)
- Outstanding Student Leader (2015-2016, 2016-2017)
- Top10 Volunteer (2017-2018)
- Social Word Award (2015-2016)
Current Research
The intellectual question that drives my curiosity is: How do humans interact, and how does this interaction shape their connections?
My PhD project investigates the interactional architecture of multiparty peer interaction, focusing on how peers construct, maintain, breach, and restore relationships during group work. Using conversation analysis as my primary methodology, I examine interactional data to uncover these dynamics. Additionally, I incorporate multimodal analysis to explore how vocal and non-vocal behaviours shape participants' relationships as their interactions unfold. My study aims to provide insights into group dynamics from an interactional perspective within broader institutional settings.
Research Activity
- Principal Investigator (2024), Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning
- Co-investigator (2024-present), Research Culture
Towards More Inclusive Practices: Supporting Female PGRs and ECRs with Caring Responsibilities
- PGR Student Researcher (2024-present), Warwick Medical School
MRC PHIND Reducing university student loneliness by supporting social connectedness via the 'LunchChat' app with a peer promotion element
- Project Co-lead (2025-present), Warwick Innovations & Enterprise
- Roles Behind Closed Doors: How Female Academics Feel Excluded in Workplace Communication
- Project Assistant (2024-present), Research Culture
- Research Assistant (2023), Centre for Applied Linguistics
- the 2nd edition of 'Exploring professional communication: Language in action' by Professor Stephanie SchnurrLink opens in a new window
- (PI) £1500, Interdisciplinary Student-led Project fund, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning, University of Warwick
- (Co-I) £9000, Enhancing Research Culture Fund, University of Warwick
- (Project Lead) £3000, The Collaboration and Co-production Fund, Institute of Engagement
- (Project/Event Lead) £1500, ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
- (Project Lead) £2480, Lord Rootes Fund,Warwick Innovations & Enterprise
- (Project Co-lead) £1600, Lord Rootes Fund, Warwick Innovations & Enterprise
- (Event Lead) £300, Networking Fund, Doctoral College
Peer-reviewed articles
Zhuo, M., & Li, Y. (2024). Harnessing the power of peer dialogue to support GTAs’ professional development: Two reflective stories.Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice,4, 136-158.https://journals.warwick.ac.uk/index.php/jppp/article/view/1792Link opens in a new window
Public engagement materials
Li, Y., Chen, Z., Shi, S., & Zheng, J. (2024). Talk & Echo. Jiang, Y. (Ed.). Retrieved from https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/events/talkandpoetryworkshop/talk_and_echo_poem_collection_1016.pdfLink opens in a new window
- AFHEA, Associate Fellowship, Higher Education Academy
- CELTA, Cambridge Level 5 Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults
- CATTI, Certificate of Translator, China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (Translation Level 2&3)
- NTCE, National English Teacher Certificate (Senior High School), China National Teacher Certificate Examination
Conference Presentation
- Exploring the methodological implications of researcher-participant relationships in qualitative research: a relational approach - AAAL2025 Conference (upcoming colloquium)
- Relationship Work in Group Interaction During Classroom Off-task Talk - BAAL Conference 2024
- 'Constructing Group Membership - The Socio-relational Function of Emergent Common Ground During Classroom Off-task Talk' - York Conference on Conversation Analysis 2024
- 'Manipulating Vocalisation and Timing of Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work Against Humor in Multiparty Peer Interaction - The 13th Humour Research Conference
- 'Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Face-threatening Acts During Multiparty Peer Interaction' - The 14th Symposium on Politeness (Symbol 2023)
- 'Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Interactional Troubles During Classroom Group Work' - The 11th International Conference on Multimodality (ICOM-11)
- 'Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Interactional Troubles During Multiparty Peer Interaction' - The 25th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics (WICAL2023)
- 'Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Interactional Troubles During Multiparty Peer Interaction' - Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics 2023 (Abstract Accepted)
- 'Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Interactional Troubles During Multiparty Peer Interaction' - The 13th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP 2023) (Abstract Accepted)
- 'Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Interactional Troubles During Multiparty Peer Interaction' - The 29th Annual Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference, University of Edinburgh (LELPGC 23) (Abstract Accepted)
Invited Talk
- Language Culture Matters Seminar SeriesLink opens in a new window
- 14 June 2023 - Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work in Interactional Troubles During Multiparty Peer Interaction
- 20 November 2024, Peer Relationship Work in Group Interaction During Off-task Talk in Second Language Classrooms
- WIHEA Connect Programme
- 30 January 2025 - Student Panelist
- Pint of Science 2023Link opens in a new window
- 24 May 2023 - Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work During Delicate Interactional Moments
Teaching & Supervision
- Teacher, Confucius Institute for Schools, Institute of Education, University College London (2019-2020)
- Associate Tutor, MA TESOL Programme (2022-2025)
- Dissertation Supervisor, MA TESOL Programme (2023-2024)
- Associate Tutor, Research Methods, MSc Intercultural Communication for Business Professions & MA TESOL (2023)
- Associate Tutor, Community Values Education Programme (2022-2024)
- Associate Tutor, Department of Computer Science (2023-present)
- Associate Tutor, Warwick Medical School (2023-present)
- Course Mentor, Beyond Science: Collaborative Student-led Challenges, Department of Chemistry (2023-present)
- Postgraduate Mentor, Social Mobility Student Research Hub (2025-present)
- GTA CPD Workshop Designer and Tutor, Developing Interactional Competence in Teaching Space, Warwick Postgraduate Teacher Community (2024)
- Facilitator, Intercultural Training Programme (2022-present)
- Peer-to-Peer Tutor, Warwick Library (2023)
Professional Role & Activity
- Founder & Session Convenor, Warwick Interaction & Talk Research Group (WIT)Link opens in a new window (2023-present)
- Fellow, Warwick International Higher Education AcademyLink opens in a new window (2024-present)
- Postgraduate Research Teacher Champion, Warwick Postgraduate Teaching CommunityLink opens in a new window (2024)
- Organising Committee, 24th Warwick International Conference in Applied LinguisticsLink opens in a new window and 25th Warwick International Conference in Applied LinguisticsLink opens in a new window
- Co-organiser (2023), Language Culture Matters Seminar SeriesLink opens in a new window
- PGR Student Representative, EUTOPIA Alliance (2024-present)
- Short Courses Trip Leader, Department of Applied Linguistics (2023-2024)
- Library Student Partner, Warwick Library (2023-present)
- Conference VolunteerLink opens in a new window, BALEAP Conference 2023Link opens in a new window
Public Engagement
Featured Media Coverage
- Women's Health (circulation: 79k)
- Yahoo (OTS: 1 Million)
- Hinton Lifestyle (OTS: 9405k)
- Mirage News (OTS: 1458)
- Health & Wellbeing
- Samachar Central
- Warwick News & Events
- Talk and Echo - Uncovering The Structure of Conversations and Social Life Through PoetryLink opens in a new window
- Conversations and Connections Through PoetryLink opens in a new window (in collaboration with Emilie Lauren Jones, Coventry Poet Laureate, Criterion Theatre and Positive Images Coventry)
Featured Event
- (Event Lead) Wits and Treats: WIT End-of-year Gathering, funded by Doctoral College
- (Organiser) Spoken Data Analysis Workshop, funded by IATL
- (Event Manager) Pint of Science 2023 in Coventry & Warwickshire, sponsored by Institute of Engagement, University of Warwick
- (City Coordinator & Event Manager) Pint of Science 2024Link opens in a new window in Coventry & Warwickshire, sponsored by Institute of Engagement, University of Warwick
- (City Coordinator & Event Manager) Pint of Science 2025 in Coventry & Warwickshire, sponsored by Institute of Engagement, University of Warwick

@YanyanLi9669Link opens in a new window
For me, life is far more than academia. It's also about capturing the beauty and serendipity of the world around me. Thus, photography has become one of my passions.

Cooking and baking are my go-to ways to unwind, so they've become another passion of mine.

Being a gym rat, I work out to feel the burn in my muscles and get stronger.