IATL / IAS Speculative Lunch
The University's draft refreshed strategy lists as its first objective under Goal 2 (To ensure a high-quality and distinctive Warwick Student Experience) to provide interdisciplinary teaching and, building on the unique features of the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme, to offer all students the opportunity to work on an extended project or piece of research.
The Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) was established in August 2010 to provide academic leadership for teaching and learning innovation and to be proactive in generating new ideas within strategic themes to help shape teaching and learning across the University. IATL addresses a number of themes including research-led teaching and interdisciplinarity.
Responding to student feedback and building on the connection between research and education, IATL and the Institute of Advanced Study are hosting a speculative lunch to consider how interdisciplinary research across the disciplines might be made more accessible to undergraduates. The primary purpose of the lunch is to foster new opportunities for interdisciplinarity both within the curriculum through new interdisciplinary modules and outside it, though URSS, IATL Collaborative Project funding, etc.
The University's research centres, which are often interdisciplinary in scope, might benefit from interaction with undergraduates and the students interested in URSS might benefit from access to staff and research in departments which do not currently have strong links with undergraduates. Representatives of research centres are invited to take part in the lunch and, if they wish, to make a short presentation (about 5 minutes) about what research opportunities their centre might offer to undergraduates to stimulate discussion. Undergraduate representatives from the four faculties who serve on the IATL Management Committee are also invited.
Lunch will be available from noon in the IAS Seminar Room, Millburn House. Those interested in attending the lunch should contact Amy Clarke (amy dot clarke at warwick dot ac dot uk). If you would like to give a presentation please contact Dr Susan Brock (s dot l dot brock at warwick dot ac dot uk).
Speakers will include
- John Lapage (Biological Sciences)
- Mark Knights (Eighteenth-century Centre) Enlightening undergraduates about The Eighteenth Century Centre
- Alan Rivett and Sarah Shalgosky, The Artist and the Academy; Research Opportunities with Warwick Arts Centre
Wed. 9/2/2011
12 to 2pm
IAS Seminar Room, Millburn House, University of Warwick
Open To:
Representatives from research centres at the University of Warwick and undergraduate members of the IATL Management Committee
Event to consider how interdisciplinary research across the disciplines might be made more accessible to undergraduates