Module Fair 2015
Thursday 12th March 2015, University of Warwick
We held our first IATL Module Fair in the spring term of 2015 to offer students across the University an opportunity to meet our module convenors and to ask them questions about our interdisciplinary modules before making their final selections for the 2015/16 academic year.
Students attending the fair took the opportunity to ask our module convenors lots of questions about the content of our modules and to find out how the opportunity to study an interdisciplinary module could offer a unique learning experience. Visitors to the IATL module fair were also able to enjoy some light refreshments and enter the prize draw for completing an IATL module fair questionnaire. The winner of the £25 Amazon voucher was Callum Bradley from the Philosophy Department.
More information on our interdisciplinary modules that we will be offering for 2015/16 can be found on our Undergraduate and Postgraduate module pages.