Staff changes at IATL
In 2014 we welcomed: Anna Boneham, Executive Officer, Global Shakespeare; Naomi de la Tour, IATL Teaching Fellow; Joy Lidstone, Modules Secretary; and most recently, Jo Wale, Academic Manager (job-share). We are also pleased that Warwick's International Summer School will run in 2015, which means Becky Fisher, International Summer School Programme Manager, will be with us for at least another year.
2014 also saw two significant departures from the IATL team: we bid a fond farewell to Catherine Hanley, Academic Manager (job-share), who left to pursue a career in writing, proof reading and editing, and to Paul Taylor, Director, who moved on at the end of December to become Professor of Chemical Education and Director of Student Education at the University of Leeds, leaving the directorship of IATL in the capable hands of Nick Monk, formerly IATL's Deputy Director.