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Professor Nicholas Monk

Nick Monk

Image by Peter Marsh / ashmorevisuals

Professor Nicholas Monk was Director of IATL (2015-18) and left Warwick in 2019.

He is also adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University, Warwick's partner institution in Australia.

His recent teaching has included international collaborations with the University of Nebraska, Omaha, on the interdisciplinary module, 'Laughter: a Transdisciplinary Approach,' and with Monash on 'Forms of Identity. These modules involve innovative use of video-conferencing technology, and aim to deploy embodied and kinaesthetic learning in virtual spaces.

Professor Monk is a an innovator in pedaogy in higher education and in 2011 published, Open-space Learning: a Transdisciplinary Pedagogy (Bloomsbury), on which he is lead author.

He became an HEA National Teaching Fellow in 2013, and received Warwick's Butterworth Award for Teaching Excellence in 2008/9.

Professor Monk's other research interests include contemporary American fiction: his monograph on Cormac McCarthy for the University of New Mexico Press, True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity, was published in 2016.

Before receiving his PhD from Warwick, Professor Monk studied at Rutgers University in the US where he received an MA in 2003.

Selected Publications

Monk, Nicholas, Sarah McDonald, and Gabriel Ochoa. ‘Embedding Cultural Literacy in Higher Education: A New Approach.’ Intercultural Education. 27.6 (2016): 546-59. Print

Monk, Nicholas, et al. ‘Portal Pedagogy: from Interdisciplinarity and Internationalisation to Transdisciplinarity and Transnationalisation.’ London Review of Education. 13.3 (2015): 62-77. Print

Monk, Nicholas. True and Living Prophet of Destruction: Cormac McCarthy and Modernity. University of New Mexico Press. 2016. Print. (Monograph)

Monk, Nicholas et al. Open-space Learning: a Study in Interdisciplinary Pedagogy. London: Bloomsbury, 2011. Bloomsbury Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. Print and Web

 Monk, Nicholas. ‘Leslie Silko and the Native American Renaissance.’ The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the American West. Ed. Steven Frye. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2016. Print

Selected Presentations/Workshops

June 2016: ‘Desert Gothic: Cormac McCarthy, Paul Bowles, Don Waters.’ ‘Transgressions: Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds’ Conference. Free University of Berlin.

 May 2016: ‘“A Devil’s Batter by the Stink of it”: what’s Funny about Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.” International Society for Humor Studies Conference. Trinity College Dublin.

 May 2016: Keynote. University of Derby Teaching and Learning Conference. ‘What's the Narrative, Minister? Learning, Teaching, the TEF, and the White Paper.’

 March 2016. ‘The Realities of the International Classroom: Culture, Technology, Space, and Pedagogy.’ Next Generation Learning Spaces Conference.

 June 2015: Keynote at the Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes 2015 on ‘The International Classroom.’ Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.

 April 2015: Workshop on Intercultural Communication. Cultural Literacy in Europe Conference, Birkbeck.

 May 2013: Workshop at the HEA Humanities conference in Brighton.

 October 2012: Workshops at the International Society for the Study of Teaching and Learning in Toronto, and Rutgers University, NJ.

 May 2012: Workshop at the HEA Arts Conference, Glasgow. Voted the best session by participants.

 April 2011: A full day Open-space Learning project on capital punishment at the invitation of the University of Nebraska, Omaha.

 April 2010: Workshops on Open-space Learning for faculty and students at Vanderbilt, UNC Chapel Hill, and Loyola Baltimore.

 December 2009: MLA, Philadelphia. ‘‘Empty Souls’? Human and Animal in the Novels of Cormac McCarthy.’

Selected Awards/Fellowships

2014: Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

 2013: National Teaching Fellowship: £10,000.

 2013: Graduated from the Warwick Leadership Programme.

 2013: Honorary Associate Professor at Monash University.

 2013: £15,256.00 from the Monash/Warwick Strategic Fund for ‘Virtual Learning: Creating a Research-led, Cross-institutional Teaching Mode.’

 2012: £250 in book tokens from the HEA for delivering the highest rated workshop atthe Academy’s Arts and Humanities conference in Glasgow.

2008-9: Contributed to the successful application to the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme for ‘Open-space Learning in Real World Contexts’, under Professor Jonothan Neelands of Warwick’s Institute of Education: £193,000.

 2008-9: Presented with Warwick University’s ‘Butterworth Award for Teaching Excellence’: £5,000.


Nicholas dot Monk at warwick dot ac dot uk


024 761 50528


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