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Josh Patel - ECTF

Josh’s doctoral research explores the development and change in higher education policy and pedagogy in Britain in the wider context of post-war liberalism. The expansion of higher education particularly in the 1960s has often been associated with social justice and social democracy. Josh’s research indicated that there was much greater diversity in social democratic higher education policy and pedagogy than hitherto appreciated. During this time university leaders reimagined higher education as a space which inculcated in students an appreciation of free liberal society. Only with such a holistic understanding might students be able to deploy their specialist and technical knowledge and tackle the post-war challenges facing the West. Through the fellowship, Josh will explore the impact of my research on current pedagogic practice. Josh is interested in developing this research to consider how students and teaching staff navigated these spaces and the distinctive learning outcomes they derived from such an education.

Josh is particularly interested in pedagogies of care and how physical space and community inform the practice of learning and learning outcomes. Josh is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and, as part of a WIHEA funded project to build a community of practice of PGR teachers at Warwick, was editor-in-chief of the first pilot volume of the experimental dialogic postgraduate journal, the Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice. He is also head swimming coach at UWSWP. Josh has received several awards for his contributions to sport.