Meetings and Workshops
XMaS User Meetings
One day events that give attendees the opportunity to see how XMaS operates as a mid-range facility, the new technical developments that are planned and to discuss how the beamline can help users and their science.
January 2025 User MeetingLink opens in a new window
Surface Science with SR Radiation Workshop
This one day workshop was held in 2014 and brought together experts from surface science and synchrotron facility users to present the latest developments in the field.
XAS Meeting
A one day workshop held in 2014 exploring the scientific and technical challenges for spectroscopic studies around the Cl, S and P K edges.
X-ray and Netron Scattering in Multiferriocs Research
The X-ray & Neutron Scattering in Multiferroics Research workshops comprise a series of one day meetings designed to bring together experts from the multiferroics, magnetoelectrics and ferroelectrics communities with neutron and synchrotron facility users to present the latest developments in this field.