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Group Data

Links to published works are included on the publications page

Data associated with publications is made accessible via the Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAP). to data from recent publications are included below.

X-ray crystallography data is made available via the CCDC, associated CCDC numbers are included in publication and/or supporting information for the publication.

Digitised laboratory notes (and hard copies) will be stored internally within the research group and may be made accessible on request.


Data associated with publications

Rebecca J Murray-Watson, Sebastian D. Pike*, Organometallics, 2020, 39, 20, 3759-3767, Exploring the Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry of Pentafluorophenylcopper: Organocopper Polyanions and Coordination Networks.

Haijiao Lu, Virgil Andrei, Kellie J. Jenkinson, Anna Regoutz, Ning Li, Charles E. Creissen, Andrew E. H. Wheatley, Hongxun Hao, Erwin Reisner*, Dominic S. Wright*, Sebastian D. Pike*, Advanced Materials., 2018, 1804033, "Singleā€Source Bismuth (Transition Metal) Polyoxovanadate Precursors for the Scalable Synthesis of Doped BiVO4 Photoanodes"


Data Management Plan

During day-to-day research all procedures, conditions and results will be accurately reported in laboratory notebooks. All characterisation and reaction monitoring data will be generated by the research team directly during research using standardised experimental protocols, which will be clearly listed in the experimental section of publications and/or their electronic supporting information. The data will be saved appropriately with clear links to laboratory notebooks.

The data will generally be generated from established practices, and we will adhere to the best practice recommendations set out by the DIGChem working group. We will follow the principles of FAIR data. All refined crystallography datasets (.CIF) will be subjected to the online CIFcheck tool to check that the structural data meets the criteria for publication.

All data will be stored electronically upon a secure server following the University of Warwick Research Data Management Policy and will be backed-up on an external hard-drive belonging to the research group. Students will be instructed to label data in appropriate formats so that it will be straightforward to relocate and with clear links to laboratory notebooks. Digitised laboratory notes (and hard copies) will be stored internally within the research group and will be made accessible on request. All single crystal diffraction data will be reported as CIFs in the CCDC database (structural information which is not to be included in a full research publication can be uploaded as a CSD communication to the CCDC so that the output is readily accessible to the wider community).

Raw data uploaded to accompany research outputs (e.g. publications) will have associated metadata (as text files saved in the same folder as the data) to describe the data (along with date, place collected and researcher who collected the data), its relevance to the output and with cross links/compound or experiment numbers linked to the output. Any relevant information such as baseline corrections or solvent subtraction will be included in the metadata. This will make further analysis of the data straightforward should it be required later.

Research progress will be reported in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, published with open-access rights wherever possible. The majority of associated data will appear graphically in open-access supporting information files. All other manuscripts and raw data will be added to an open-access repository using the Warwick Research Archive Portal and stored for a minimum of 10 years. Clear links (e.g. DOI) to access such deposits will be included in the associated manuscripts, hyperlinks will also be placed on the group website.