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The Pike Group is an Inorganic Chemistry Research group at the University of Warwick. The group studies metal-oxo cluster molecules which absorb light and can be used as photocatalysts for chemical transformations and to make sustainable 'solar' fuels.
These intriguing molecular clusters also help us to explain the reactivity on the surface of widely utilised metal oxide materials such as TiO2 and CeO2. We are interested in the similarities and differences between molecules and materials and how size can effect properties.
We have diverse interests across Inorganic Chemistry including organometallic reactivity, catalysis, crystallography and materials science.
Collaborative paper in J Mater Chem A
The Kafizas group publish a new method to proudce photoactive Mo-BiVO4 using aerosol assisted CVD. Glad we could assist with analysis of the redox active V precursors used in this process.
Stephen's paper in JACS
RSC prize awarded
Nobel Prize comment
Please get in touch if you are interested in studying with us as a Master's or PhD student or would like to apply for postdoctoral funding. Contact details
Postdoctoral Fellowships: We are keen to support applications for Fellowships (including links below), please get in touch if you are interested in applying. Newton International Fellowship, Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Eutopia SIF Fellowship
PhD Studentships: Joint experimental/computational opportunities with Prof Tielens and Prof De Proft at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with the Eutopia cotutelle PhD studentships.as part of the Sustainable Catalysis by Design Research Network
Master's Opportunities:12-month research only MRes projects available. Warwick 3rd years - please contact Seb to discuss MChem or MRes projects for your 4th year.
Undergraduate Opportunities: Funded summer-studentships (2024) are available, please get in touch for more information. European student placement opportunities also through the EUTOPIA Sustainable Catalysis by Design Research Network
Seb Pike