Collaborative paper in J Mater Chem A
The Kafizas group publish a new method to proudce photoactive Mo-BiVO4 using aerosol assisted CVD. Glad we could assist with analysis of the redox active V precursors used in this process.
Stephen's paper in JACS
Congratulations to Stephen for publishing his studies on the photoecxcitation of Ti-oxo clusters in the single crystal phase in JACS!!
RSC prize awarded
Seb received the RSC Dalton Early Career: Sir Edward Frankland Award at the RSC Dalton North conference, where he presented the Group's recent work.
Nobel Prize comment
A comment on this years Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded for Quantum Dot Technologies
GOLD award in LEAF
Great work from Manpreet and Tom, another GOLD award in the lab efficiency assessment framework for sustainable practice for the Pike & Brinkert Groups in LAB MAS 4.14.