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Collaborative paper in J Mater Chem A

The Kafizas group publish a new method to proudce photoactive Mo-BiVO4 using aerosol assisted CVD. Glad we could assist with analysis of the redox active V precursors used in this process.

Fri 13 Sep 2024, 17:25 | Tags: Publication

Stephen's paper in JACS

Congratulations to Stephen for publishing his studies on the photoecxcitation of Ti-oxo clusters in the single crystal phase in JACS!!

Thu 13 Jun 2024, 20:27 | Tags: Publication

RSC prize awarded

Seb received the RSC Dalton Early Career: Sir Edward Frankland Award at the RSC Dalton North conference, where he presented the Group's recent work.

Mon 08 Jan 2024, 14:57 | Tags: Prize, Seminar

Nobel Prize comment

A comment on this years Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded for Quantum Dot Technologies

Mon 23 Oct 2023, 15:15 | Tags: Outreach

GOLD award in LEAF

Great work from Manpreet and Tom, another GOLD award in the lab efficiency assessment framework for sustainable practice for the Pike & Brinkert Groups in LAB MAS 4.14.
Mon 21 Aug 2023, 09:58 | Tags: Group

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