For schools: Widening Participation and Outreach

School of Engineering
Widening Participation & Outreach
Giving back. Inspiring. Science for all.What we are about
- GIVING BACK to the community
- INSPIRING the next generation of Engineers
- PROVIDING A TASTE of what Engineering looks and feels like at Warwick
- SHOWCASING our cutting edge scientific research
- WORKING alongside the University's Widening Participation and Outreach Team to open the world of science and Engineering to everyone.
Who we are
We are a team of teaching and research specialists and students dedicated to bringing Engineering to all.
What we offer

On-campus Visits
In-person – on campus
We strongly encourage visits from local schools with students from underrepresented backgrounds.

In-School Visits
In-person – school/college
We would love to visit local schools, in particular ones with students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Online resources
We have a range of online resources including short talks, learning resources and activities for use at home or in school.

Engineering and Beyond
For University-wide activities led by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine, please see the activity map page to find out more about upcoming outreach events.
Engage with us
Get in touch!
Whether you are a schoolteacher or a member of local community, anyone is more than welcome to get in touch.
Improving access to Higher Education requires coordination. We work with the central University's Widening Participation and Outreach Team. They have useful resources on their page, and can be contacted
Get involved
Are you a Warwick student or staff member who wants to give something back? Join a great team of engaged outreach enthusiasts aiming to make a difference!
Led in an outreach event or gave a talk? Please log it here: