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School of Engineering Student Hub ( ESO )

Student Hub ( ESO )

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Spring School of Race Engineering goes virtual!

We have some superb tutors lined up from the top tiers of motorsport. If any of your students are aspiring race engineers then this is the course to help them on their career journey.

The online School has limited places, allowing students to network directly with the world-leading engineers and voice their questions during our live Q&A sessions.

Mon 12 Apr 2021, 15:17

New virtual short international study and work opportunities

We are now in peak season of short international opportunities that students may want to apply to undertake during Summer 2021.

These are either fully or partially funded and have deadlines in mid-April:

Thu 01 Apr 2021, 13:49

PhD opportunities in WMG in steel research

Alloy design for next generation high performing steel sections

There are more steel alloys available than all other metals/alloys combined and advances in steel metallurgy/processing is still pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in terms of strength and ductility. Modern steels bearing little resemblance to those of >50 years ago benefitting from the complex influences of around 20 alloying elements and controlled thermo-mechanical processing. Customer demands on performance continue to push development and there is potential for further improvements in properties using composition and processing control. We are looking for a PhD student to join our team and work on an exciting research program, sponsored by Tata Steel UK, to develop new high strength steels for high performance hollow sections, used in the construction and transport industry

3 PhD studentships on sustainable steel making:

WMG are part of a large collaborative network project, the EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Hub SUSTAIN ( , which is working to transform the steel supply chain, making it cleaner, greener and smarter, and more responsive to the fast-changing needs of customers. This is an exciting opportunity to work as part of our Advanced Steel Research Centre (ASRC) at WMG, University of Warwick, an internationally leading centre for steel research. You will join a group of over 40 people (academic staff, research fellows and doctoral students) and also have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers across the SUSTAIN network (core members of the Universities of Swansea and Sheffield and steel industry) and beyond.

The project areas we are looking to recruit to are:

Green Hydrogen Based Steel Manufacturing

Smart Steel Processing - The metallurgical key for unlocking next-generation casting technologies.

Predicting Optimised Steel Product Processing and Properties

Please contact Prof Davis ( for more details:

Mon 22 Mar 2021, 09:24

IBM/CGI U | Call for Code University Challenge: Howard Hackathon for Environmental Justice | Fri 26 Mar 2021

Register now to attend the Call for Code University Challenge: Howard Hackathon for Environmental Justice presented by IBM and CGI U, kicking off Friday, March 26th!

This year’s hack will bring together hundreds of students from around the world to compete for prizes with Chelsea Clinton and IBM’s Senior Vice President, Worldwide Ecosystems and Blockchain, Bob Lord, serving as judges. Building upon the powerful intersection of technology and social impact, this student Hackathon challenges student developers and designers to build unique digital prototypes that tackle pressing issues related to environmental justice. 

The final registration deadline is Friday, March 26, 2021. 

For more information, please visit or contact

Mon 15 Mar 2021, 09:56 | Tags: UG

WMG Automotive Sensor Webinar opportunity for SoE students

WMG has recently set up a series of webinars on automotive sensors which provides a base background into the sensor then invites some experts from industry to have a discussion and talks on challenges and opportunities for the technology and taking question from the audience if there are time. These webinars are opened to everyone and is free of change to sign up for where both students and participants from different companies join.


Fri 12 Mar 2021, 11:47

Postgrad Awards 2021 Now Open!

Celebrate a fellow student or an outstanding academic with the Postgrad Awards! Now entering their third year, the awards presented by FindAMasters and FindAPhD showcase the best in Postgraduate study. Awards up for grabs include:

  • Masters Student of the Year
  • Masters Teacher of the Year
  • PhD Student of the Year
  • PhD Supervisor of the Year

It’s been a tough year for everyone, so this is an amazing opportunity to celebrate success, get recognition on a worldwide platform and win a cash prize!

Nominate now >>

Tue 09 Mar 2021, 12:54

TEDxWarwick 2021

For the first time ever, TEDxWarwick is hosting a dynamic virtual conference. Global speakers, diverse topics, a fluid timetable - all free of charge and to be viewed in the comfort of your own home. Poster

Mon 08 Mar 2021, 10:54

Volunteer Opportunity | Lightyear Foundation

** Volunteering in Lightyear Foundation's Virtual Lab​​ **

We have been shared information from the Lightyear Foundation, a science charity that breaks down barriers to disabled children accessing STEM. They run a programme called the Virtual Lab, which takes place on Zoom and enables disabled young people to enjoy science experiments in a supported and accessible format. They have previously worked with STEM students at other universities and are currently recruiting more volunteers.

The Virtual Lab in an online programme for disabled children and young people who are passionate about science. Each Virtual Lab has 4 sessions, in which the group take part in a different hands-on science experiment together. The young people use equipment that we post to them (including their own lab coat!) and the session is led by our STEM Lead, Dr. Sarah Bearchell on Zoom.  

The volunteer role involves:

  • Logging into the Lightyear Zoom account and hosting the technical elements of the session. This may include; admitting people from the waiting room, sharing your screen and spotlighting individuals. You will always be supported by the Lightyear team members and never solely responsible for a session. There are always 2 team members minimum on a call. You will be visible on camera. We can help you get to grips with Zoom and the functions you’ll need.
  • Offering feedback and observations on students - how they manage with each task, areas for improvement etc.
  • Each session lasts max. 45 mins. They sometimes vary in length, but don't go over 45mins. We meet on Zoom 15 mins before each session begins.
  • Each Virtual Lab runs for 4 sessions with a cohort of 6 young people. Our upcoming Labs will take place in a school, and we are delivering one session per day for 4 days. They will run Tuesday - Friday, either 10:00 - 10:45 or 1:30 - 2:15.
  • You can volunteer for one or multiple sessions. It’s wonderful when one volunteer can commit to a whole Virtual Lab (4 consecutive sessions) as this offers consistency to the students, but it is not essential. If you can only do 1 or 2 sessions, we’d still love to hear from you!
  • If you are interested or have any further questions, please get in touch with Rhiannon on 
Mon 01 Mar 2021, 11:45 | Tags: UG

Engineer Your Career | Campus Media | 4 Mar 10am-5pm

A virtual & free event showcasing the best of UK engineering talent & employers.
Attendees will gain valuable insights into different engineering roles and organisations.

Here's what to expect on the day:

  • Advice from inspiring speakers,
  • Youth panel talks about apprenticeship and graduate routes into engineering,
  • Engineering - myth V reality,
  • Engineering in the RAF, live panel & careers insights,
  • Soft Skills workshop,
  • Further education courses to study,
  • Employer insights
Sun 28 Feb 2021, 09:01 | Tags: Careers

Warwick Work Experience Bursary

Found unpaid work experience?

Apply for Warwick Work Experience Bursary (WEB)…

§ financial support for self-sourced unpaid work experience

§ £50 award per day, up to 10 days per year if meet criteria

§ apply at least 1 week prior to start of work experience

§ finalists and postgraduate taught students may apply for bursaries that cover the period up to the end of the month in which their course finishes

*terms & conditions apply

Fri 12 Feb 2021, 12:08 | Tags: UG

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Emergency and Support Links

For emergencies or urgent safety concerns, please contact the University 24-hour Community Safety line: +44 (0)2476 522083. Community Safety operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In the event of an emergency on campus requiring ambulance, police or fire brigade, call 22222 from an internal telephone. If you are on campus and you use a mobile to call for an emergency service (999), you should also then call 024 76 5 22222. This alerts the University Community Safety team and will enable the emergency vehicle to be speedily escorted to where it is required on the campus.

If you're struggling but it's not an emergency, please contact Wellbeing.

If you are a parent or guardian there is more information on what to do if you have concerns: