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2012 News Archive

For all our latest news, please follow us on twitter @warwick_evgp!

With this years teams preparations now underway, check out how events unfolded over in the USA for last years team. See their Daily Blogs below:

Day 01 - Hello USA!
Day 02 - Finding our Kart
Day 03 - Work Continues... 
Day 04 - Two down, two to go? 
Day 05 - This is the time! 
Day 05/06 Midnight Special - Live Updates
Day 07 - The Great Comeback! 
Day 08/09 - Take a Timeout
Day 10 - Fixing the Issue...
Day 11 - No Speeding... Accidents do happen!
Day 12/13 - Getting prepped for the show!!
Day 14/15 - We are on TV :)
Day 16/17 - Counting Down...
Day 18/19 - One More Step Closer...
The Big Day - Part 1: Pre-Race
The Big Day - Part 2: The Sensational Finale!

Other updates from Purdue that you don't wanna miss:
Making it sexy and beautiful...
Team Photos around Purdue

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Day 5/6 Midnight Special - Live Updates

Follow us closely! With our kart finally delivered, every minute is gonna be interesting in Purdue tonight!

6:20pm - 20 hours after its arrival into Purdue, the motor roars along the corridor of the building!
Our kart is ready to go! Working space cleaned and tools are all packed for tomorrow's early journey into the race track...


8:18am - Team meeting deciding on the individual roles and race strategies for the upcoming race. Can't wait till the start of the race!

7:03am - POSTPONEMENT! The Purdue event orginally scheduled at 1pm 28/4 is now postponed till 11am 29/4 due to rain and lightning in the region. More time for the team to get everything ready!


6:30am - Half of the team are back at the workspace before sunrise. Sponsors' logo stickers are being applied to the bodywork...


5:00am - With an all nighter effort by Amin, Ben, David and James, kart's looking ready to go soon!
Batteries are recharged, wirings all back onto the kart, just a final few bits to go!

12:48am - Time for a recharge for our driver Tom. Go rock the race tomorrow Tom!

12:22am - Soldering in process to get the BMS ready for our battery sets.


12:16am - Significant progress so far... Majority of mechanical parts re-installed.
A serious firework display while handling the floor tray.



11:08pm - Our dearest kart unpacked, nicely sitting in our workspace waiting for its first breathe in a month!


10:30pm - Truck arrived. Busy unloading to kickstart a long long night!


9:27pm - After a late dinner at Mcdonald's, the team gathered around to discuss about what's gonna happen in an hour, when our kart finally arrives in Purdue...


Oh yeah, here I am. Gettng online from time to time to let you all know what's up lately over here.


Sat 28 Apr 2012, 05:17

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