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Professor James Covington Utilises His Chemical Sensors to Help BBC Morning Live Test "Dupe" Perfumes

Behind the scenes of BBC filming in the biomedical sensors labotory  Professor James Covington and his research team in the Biomedical sensors laboratory focus on the creation, advancement, and utilisation of chemical sensors and sensing systems for artificial olfaction.

On 26th June, Professor Covington’s sensor laboratory received an exciting visit from the BBC to showcase his work on chemical sensors. The sensors were put to the test to see if they could identify perfumes and their duped counter parts and if so, what the chemical difference was. The sensors were also put against ten volunteers to see if their sense of smell were up to the standards of Professor Covington’s sensors and if they too could smell out the dupe! Below find the full interview and behind the scenes photographs to see how the chemical sensors helped show that the designer and dupes weren’t so different after all.

Beyond sensing dupe perfume Professor Covington’s sensors are making a stir in multiple fields such as medical diagnostics, environmental/air quality monitoring, industrial processes, food & beverages and agriculture. Furthermore, the Biomedical Sensors Laboratory is committed to working closely with leading companies within industry to translate research findings into practical real world applications addressing challenges across a wide range of industries.

For the clip on the BBC on the chemical sensors click here, the full episode of this morning live click here and for more about Prof Covington’s work and research click here.


Tue 27 Aug 2024, 12:55 | Tags: Biomedicine Sensors Science Faculty of Science Engineering