Note: Adam Noel is no longer a full-time faculty member at Warwick. You can check out his current Teaching page at Memorial University.
- Lecture notes on signal processing (2022-2023) v1.3
- The main student resource for ES3C5 Signal Processing is a set of notes that I first drafted for the 2019-2020 academic year. Here is the latest version prepared for the 2022-2023 academic year. The notes include examples, end-of-lesson problems with answers, and moderate MATLAB integration. Topics include:
- Analogue signals and systems (LTI systems, Laplace transforms, analogue filters)
- Digital signals and systems (sampling, LSI systems, Z-transforms, digital filters, FFT)
- Random signal processing (probability distributions, parameter estimation, correlation)
- Introduction to image processing as an application of digital signal processing
- The main student resource for ES3C5 Signal Processing is a set of notes that I first drafted for the 2019-2020 academic year. Here is the latest version prepared for the 2022-2023 academic year. The notes include examples, end-of-lesson problems with answers, and moderate MATLAB integration. Topics include:
- Videos on signal processing
- I have started a series of brief videos on my personal YouTube channel presenting selected content from ES3C5 Signal Processing. The series is called "Signal Processing in a Hurry".
Modules Taught at Warwick 2018-2024
- 2023/2024
- ES3C5 Signal Processing - Module Leader
- ES410 Group Project - Group Director for Autonomous Drone project
- 2022/2023
- ES3C5 Signal Processing - Module Leader
- ES410 Group Project - Group Director for Autonomous Drone project
- 2021/2022
- ES3C5 Signal Processing - Module Leader
- ES410 Group Project - Group Director for Autonomous Drone project
- 2020/2021
- ES3C5 Signal Processing - Module Leader
- ES410 Group Project - Group Director for Autonomous Drone project
- 2019/2020
- ES3C5 Signal Processing - Module Leader
- ES2C6 Electro-mechanical System Design - Instructor for the systems-themed project.
- ES410 Group Project - Group Director for Autonomous Drone project
- 2018/2019
- ES3C5 Signal Processing - Delivered lectures for the first half of the module and ran the first lab.
- ES2C6 Electro-mechanical System Design - Instructor for the systems-themed project.
- ES197 Systems Modelling, Simulation, and Computation - Supported the group project and accompanying peer assessment process.
- ES410 Group Project - Group Co-Director for Autonomous Drone project
- 2017/2018
- ES197 Systems Modelling, Simulation, and Computation - I provided support to deliver and evaluate the labs and group project.
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