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Professor Keith Godfrey

Job Title
School of Engineering
+44(0)24 765 23144
Research Interests

Biomedical Systems Modelling and Identification; Frequency Domain System Identification


Keith Godfrey was appointed to the academic staff of the School of Engineering in 1973, and he is now an Emeritus Professor in the School. He is a member of the Biomedical and Biological Systems Laboratory and of the Stochastic and Complex Systems Laboratory in the Systems, Measurement and Modelling Research Group.

He received the Doctor of Science degree from the University of Warwick in 1990 for publications with the collective title "Applications of Modelling, Identification and Parameter Estimation in Engineering and Biomedicine". He is author of a book on compartmental modelling published by Academic Press in 1983, and is author, or co-author, of more than 200 papers. He is a member of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committees on Biomedical Engineering and Control, and on Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing. He was one of the recipients of the 2001 Snell Premium from the Institution of Electrical Engineers for a paper on wavelet analysis of heart rate variability and its application in detection of sleep apnoea. He was awarded the Honeywell International Medal, 2000/2001, by the Institute of Measurement and Control, for distinguished contributions to control engineering.

Title Funder Award start Award end
The Biology of drug targetting: predictive mathematical modelling of drug impact in cell populations. BBSRC 01 Jun 2003 31 May 2006