Dr Christos Mias

Dr Christos Mias
Director of Studies ( Electrical and Electronic Engineering )
ĺś“School of Engineering, Warwick University, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Christos dot Mias at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0) 24 7652 2343
Dr Christos Mias is a Reader in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick.
He was the UK URSI Commission B (Fields and Waves) representative, 2009-2014.
Research Interests
- Electromagnetic Shielding
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Microwave Engineering
- Antennas
- Periodic Structures / Frequency Selective Surfaces
- Radiowave Propagation
Teaching Interests
Dr Mias is the Director of Studies for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering stream within the School of Engineering
Selected Publications
- Qiu, Song, Mias, Christos, Guo, Weisi, Geng, Xueyu, 2019. HS2 railway embankment monitoring : effect of soil condition on underground signals. SN Applied Sciences, 1
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelo, 2018. Simple admittance expression derivation of an electrically dense loaded slot array at a material interface. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66 (12), pp. 7430-7433
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelo, 2016. Wait-Hill MoM for a lumped element loaded mesh screen on a stratified substrate. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, pp. 1464-1467
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelos, 2015. Entire-domain basis function MoM formulation for a substrate backed periodically loaded array of narrow strips. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (5), pp. 2325-2331
- Christou, George, Mias, Christos, 2015. The chimaerical quest for the optical plasmonic superlens. Plasmonics, 10 (5), pp. 1077-1079
- Guo, Weisi, Mias, Christos, Farsad, Nariman, Jiang-Lun, Wu, 2015. Molecular versus electromagnetic wave propagation loss in macro-scale environments. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multiscale Communications, 1 (1), pp. 18-25
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelo, 2014. Analysis of lumped element periodically loaded vertical wire grid frequency selective surfaces. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 56 (9), pp. 2075-2078
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelo, 2014. Magnetic current formulation for periodically loaded slots. Electronics Letters, 50 (16), pp. 1120-1121
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelos, 2013. Application of Wait's formulation to connected array antennas. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 12, pp. 1535-1538
- Mias, Christos, Freni, Angelos, 2013. Generalized Wait-Hill formulation analysis of lumped element periodically-loaded orthogonal wire grid generic frequency selective surfaces. Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, 143, pp. 47-66
- Bavelis, Konstantinos, Mias, Christos, 2013. Scattered field FETD modeling of oblique plane wave incidence from a circular PEC cylinder : TMzpolarization. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 55 (7), pp. 1516-1520
- Bavelis, Konstantinos, Mias, Christos, 2012. A sparse-matrix methodology for finite element time domain modal non-reflecting boundary condition simulations. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 6 (8), pp. 945-955
- Bavelis, Konstantinos, Mias, Christos, 2012. Finite-element time-domain modelling of cylinders with angular periodicity. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol.6 (No.4), pp. 435-442
- Bavelis, Konstantinos, Mias, Christos, 2012. On the accuracy of the vector fitting approximation of a cylinder nonreflecting boundary kernel. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.54 (No.2), pp. 277-282
- Christou, George, Mias, Christos, 2011. Critique of optical negative refraction superlensing. Plasmonics, Vol.6 (No.2), pp. 307-309
- Bavelis, Konstantinos, Mias, Christos, 2010. Vector fitting realisation of exact time domain modal nonreflecting boundary condition. Electronics Letters, Vol.46 (No.11), pp. 760-761
- Cai, Yong, Mias, Christos, 2009. Faster 3D finite element time domain : Floquet absorbing boundary condition modelling using recursive convolution and vector fitting. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol.3 (No.2), pp. 310-324
- Cai, Yong, Mias, Christos, 2008. Application of multisection recursive convolution in 3D FETD-FABC simulations. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.50 (No.6), pp. 1651-1657
- Mias, Christos, 2008. Electronic problem based learning of electromagnetics through software development. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol.16 (No.1), pp. 12-20
- Mias, Christos, 2008. Fast computation of the nonlocal boundary condition in finite difference parabolic equation radiowave propagation simulations. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.56 (No.6), pp. 1699-1705
- Mias, Christos, Yap, Jyh Haur, 2007. A varactor-tunable high impedance surface with a resistive-lumped-element biasing grid. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.55 (No.7), pp. 1955-1962
- Cai, Yong, Mias, Christos, 2007. Fast finite element time domain - Floquet modal absorbing boundary condition modelling of periodic structures using recursive convolution. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.55 (No.9), pp. 2550-2558
- Cai, Yong, Mias, Christos, 2007. Finite-element time-domain modelling of plane wave scattering by a periodic structure using an exact boundary condition. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol.1 (No.3), pp. 609-616
- Chang, K. C., Mias, Christos, 2007. Pulse generator based on commercially available digital circuitry. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.49 (No.6), pp. 1422-1427