Books Authored
- Whitehouse D J and Reason R E 1965 ‘Equation of mean-line of surface texture found by an electric wave filter’ Rank Organisation Technical Monograph, Rank Taylor Hobson Division Leicester.
- Whitehouse D J 1971 ‘The properties of random surfaces of significance in their contact’ Ph. D Thesis, Leicester University, Leicester
- Whitehouse D J 1990 ‘Memoirs R E Reason FRS’ Monograph -Biographical memoirs of Fellows of Royal Society Vol 36.
- Whitehouse D J 1994 ‘Handbook of Surface Metrology’ Inst of Physics Pub ISBN 0-7503-0039-6.
- Whitehouse D J 1996 ‘Optical methods in surface metrology’ SPIE Milestone Series Vol. 129 ISBN 0-8194237-5
- Whitehouse D J 2002 ‘Surfaces and their measurement’ (Hermes Penton Press, London) ISBN 1-9039-96015.
- Whitehouse D J 2003 ‘Handbook of Surface and Nanometrology’ (Inst of Physics Publ., Bristol) ISBN 07503-05835
- Whitehouse D J 2011 ‘Handbook of Surface and Nanometrology Second Edition’ (CRC Press -Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton FL, London) ISBN 978-1-4200-8201-2.
Books Edited
- Whitehouse D J and Kawata K 1991 Nanotechnology’ Series advances in Nanoscale Physics (Adam Hilger, Bristol) ISBN 0-7503-0132-5
- Whitehouse D J and Davies S T 1996 ‘Nanotechnology ‘Vol 7(Inst of Physics Pub, Bristol) ISBN 0957-4484 (no copy)
- Jiang X and Whitehouse D J 2005 ‘Journal of Physics Conference Series ‘Vol 13, 7th Int. Symp. Meas. Tech & Intell. Instruments (ISMTII) (IOP PUB, Bristol) ISSN 1742-6588
- Whitehouse D J and Jiang X 2006 Measurement Science and Technology Vol 17 No 3 (IOP., Bristol) ISSN 0957-0233.
- Whitehouse D J. 2013. Surfaces and their measurement Part 1 Int. J. Precision Technology, Vol 3 No. 3.
- Whitehouse D J 2013 Surfaces and their Measurement Part 2 Int. J. Precision Technology, Vol 3 No. 4
Book Chapters
- Whitehouse D J 1973 Ch apter3 ‘Stylus Methods’ in ‘Characterisation of solid surfaces’ Ed Kane P F, and Larrabbe G B (Plenum Press, New York) p49-74
- Whitehouse D J 1982 ‘Chapter7 ‘Digital Techniques’ in ‘Rough Surfaces ‘Ed Thomas T (longman, London) p 144-165
- Whitehouse D J 1981 Chapter 2 ‘Surface topography and quality and its relevance to wear’ in ‘Fundamentals of Tribology’ Ed Suh N P and Saka N ( MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts) p 17-52
- Whitehouse D J 1978 Chapter 9 ‘Surface Metrology’ in ‘Technology of Machine Tools’ NBS Vol 5 (National Bureau of Standards, Washington) p 17
- Whitehouse D J 1991 Chapter 1 ‘Trends in Instrumentation and nano-technology’ in ‘From Instrumentation to nano-technology’ Ed Gardner J W and Hingle H T ( Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia) p 1-18
- Whitehouse D J 1998 Chapter 6 Nanotechnology instrumentation’ in Nanotechnology in Precision Engineering ‘(Inst of Phys, Bristol).
- Whitehouse D J 1999 Chapter ‘Surface characterization and roughness measurement in engineering’ in Photo-mechanics Ed P K Rastogi No77/ Topics in Applied Physics (Springer,Berlin)
- Whitehouse D J 1999 chapter 10 Tools of Nanotechnology: Nanometrology ‘in ‘Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology’-Spectroscopy and theory Ed H S Nalwa p 476-510
- Whitehouse D J 2012 Chapter ‘Metrology past present and future with reference to optics’ in Process Chains for the replication of complex optical components Eds. Brinksmeier E and Klocke Bremen Germany.
Patents (28)
- GB 1129962 Phase corrected filter mag- tape 19.65 DJW.
- GB 1168372 Equal weight phase corrected1968 DJW.
- GB 1198253 Phase corrected( tape reversal.1967 1970. DJW
- GB 1210181 Improvements relating to electric filter devices 1968 DJW, RER, JDB.
- GB 1257356 Roundness ref comp. 1969 DJW (add to 933785 RER).
- GB 1318701 Methods of waveform analysis 1970 DJW with RCS.
- GB 1399729 Wankel stator 1973 DJW with RCS.
- GB 1411655 Relating to optical diffractometers 1973 DJW with JJ & EN.
- GB 1436721 Improvements in or relating to surface measurement 1974 DJW with PRB & DGC.
- GB 1525697 Surface measuring apparatus –multi-probe- 1975 DJW.
- GB 1553414 Surface metrology instrumentation 1976 DJW with HS.
- GB 2004061B Optical testing equipment-multi scatter 1978 DJW.
- GB 2037464B Multi point correlation 1978, DJW.
- GB 2039050B Curvature centre 1980 DJW with HS.
- USA 3543571 Compensation for phase distortion in surface profile measuring apparatus DJW.
- USA 3571579 Assessing surface profiles DJW with Reason Spragg, Barr etc.
- USA 3720818 Average wavelength. 1973 DJW and RCS.
- USA 3885318 Epi-trochoid Surface Measuring Instrument. DJW with RCS
- USA 3911257 Instrument for measuring curved surface variations DJW with Bellwood and Chetwynd.
- USA 3927253 Image analyser DJW with JJ and Eric Nightingale.
- USA 4077048. Image Analyser DJW with JJ and EN. ..
- USA 4084324 Evaluation of parameters, Measuring instrument DJW.
- USA 4084324 Multiprobe device DJW.
- USA 4334282 Testing apparatus correlation filed Dec. 1979 DJW.
- USA 4342091 Curved workpiece measurement DJW.
- USA 7090458B2 Parallel link for robot 2006 DJW with TH, DGC.
- SW 590453 Partial arcs DJW with PRB and DGC.
- EU 0001 178 Image analyser Euro-patent DJW with J Jungles.