Middle East and North Africa Regional Network Dialogue Workshop 9th April 2022
African Regional Network Dialogue Workshop 23rd April 2022
European Regional Network Dialogue Workshop 27th April 2022
Asia Pacific Regional Network Dialogue Workshop 7th May 2022
Asia Pacific Regional Network Knowledge Sharing Workshop 21st May 2022
African Regional Network Knowledge Sharing Workshop 28th May 2022
Middle East & North Africa Knowledge Sharing Workshop 11th June 2022
European Region Knowledge Sharing Workshop 29th June 2022
Global Concluding Symposium 20th July 2022Link opens in a new window
Project Report - Reimaging a Research Culture
INWES is a global network of organizations of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), reaching over 60 countries worldwide. The aim is to build a better future worldwide through full and effective participation of women and girls in all aspects of STEM.
European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS)
The European Platform of Women Scientists is an international non-profit organisation that represents the needs, concerns, interests, and aspirations of more than 12.000 women scientists in Europe and beyond.
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the official and trusted source of internationally-comparable data on education, science, culture and communication. Here it reports statistics on women in science.
Society of Women Engineers in US
The website gives an overview of the SWE’s mission, vision, and strategic goals and provide an overview of SWE’s key programs and member benefits.
She figures 2021 - Publications Office of the EU
The She Figures 2021 publication uses the latest available statistics to monitor the state of gender equality R&I across Europe and beyond, through providing comparable data and analysis for approximately 88 indicators. The data follow the ‘chronological journey’ of women from graduating from doctoral studies to participating in the labour market and acquiring decision-making roles, while exploring differences in women’s and men’s working conditions and research and innovation output.
European Institute for Gender Equality
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, as well as to raise EU citizens’ awareness of gender equality.
EIGE Gender equality publications
Publications of the gender equality index in the European states since 2013.
FREE (Female Academic Role Model Empowerment Equality and Sustainability)
FREE project - objective is to establish capacity building in higher education institutions in three countries in the Mediterranean region: Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, through empowerment of female academics in higher education.
UN Women statement for International Girls in ICT Day 2022: Access and Safety
Ensuring every girl has safe and meaningful access to digital technology and ICTs.
Technology and Innovation for gender equality - action coalition
The 2021 Generation Equality Forum was a major global inflection point for gender equality. This landmark effort brought together governments, corporations and change makers from around the world to define and announce ambitious investments and policies. These diverse stakeholders have embarked on a 5-year journey to accelerate equality, leadership and opportunity for women and girls worldwide. This work will culminate in 2026.
Center for Inclusive Business and Leadership for Women
American University of Beirut, in partnership with employers, government agencies, and civil society organizations to develop and support the implementing of inclusive policies and practices.
Grant for women in STEM - Australia
Grant to elevate women’s leadership in STEM, with $41.2 million investment by the Australian Government.
Women in Engineering ProActive Network
WEPAN is a non-profit educational organization recognized as the leading champion in North America for leveraging research and best practices to propel the inclusion of women in the field of engineering. WEPAN advocates to fully embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion to meet the demands of today’s innovation and performance-driven business culture.
ARC Network resource library on Mendeley
The ARC (ADVANCE Resource and Coordination) Network works to achieve STEM equity in academia.
STEM Jobs See Uneven Progress in Increasing Gender, Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Report on progress in increasing gender, racial and ethnic diversity by the Pew Research Center.
A women-led nonprofit organisation to promote gender equality by building strong communities, fostering girls' leadership and making STEM education more accessible to women and girls, especially those furthest from opportunity.
The association of Mongolian Women Engineers, Technologists, Scientists and Mathematicians (Mongolian WSTEM) supports the activities of Mongolian women scientists, with the aim to make a significant contribution to the country's development in engineering, technology, and the sciences.
Catalyst is a global nonprofit supported by many of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women. The report presents data and findings in women’s representation in STEM globally and in Asia-Pacific, Canada, Europe, and the United States.
Zorig Foundation Women in STEM program
Website of an event held in 2019 by the Zorig Foundation. This program was one of the projects that were selected by the Embassy of Canada to Mongolia’s Canada Fund scholarship program.
UNDP's Strategic Plan Mongolia
Strategic plan of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Mongolia. UNDP is the UN’s global development network committed to helping the Government and the people of Mongolia achieve the Sustainable Development Development Goals as well as other national development priorities.
Strategic Approach to changing the culture in engineering organisations
Strategy for inclusiveness, well-being and diversity in engineering workplaces promoted by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations.
Australia Workplace Gender Equity Agency (WGEA)
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The Agency is charged with promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces.
Annual key findings from the reporting data in the WGEA Gender Equality Scorecard.
Australia Chief Scientists reports and publications
The Office of the Chief Scientist has published the 13th paper in the Occasional Paper Series, Busting myths about Women in STEM. The paper dispels four damaging and persistent myths facing women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and highlights the need for ongoing action to encourage and support women to pursue careers in these areas.
Canadian Institute for Women in Engineering and Sciences (CIWES)
The Institute catalyzes research and action to advance the education and success of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering rapid research information forum on the impact of COVID-19 on women in STEM.
WFEO, INWES and ISC webinar on the role of women in STEM at the UN CSW65
WFEO, INWES and ISC webinar on the role of women in STEM at the UN CSW65.
Women in STEM in the European Union; Facts and Figures
Women in STEM in the European Union – facts and figures, presented by the European Student Think Tank.
Gender Research DOCC e-learning platform! DOCC stands for Distributed Open, Collaborative Courses.
Association of women in mathematics (French).
European Women in Mathematics (EWM)
The European Women in Mathematics (EWM) is an association of female mathematicians. The Association is involved in policy and strategic work in promoting the role of women in mathematics and offers direct support to its members.
Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on the Future Careers of Women in STEM: A Workshop
The National Academies held a virtual workshop on March 23-24, 2022 to explore the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the future careers of women in STEM.
Indirect impacts of a pandemic on women in science
EMBL conference addresses ways to keep ‘boats’ afloat in COVID-19 storm.
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM), Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association for LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community. With over 100 student chapters at colleges/universities and professional chapters in cities across the United States and abroad, oSTEM is the largest chapter-based organization focused on LGBTQ+ people in STEM.
DisabledInSTEM was started by one disabled scientists with the goal of wanting to help make the path more accessible for future generations. This initiative strives make a space for anyone who identifies as disabled, neurodiverse, or chronically ill. The goal is to bring awareness, provide/highlight resources, and create a sense of community.
SWE Annual Literature Reviews on Women in Engineering 2001-2020
CCWE+20: A Workshop on Women in the Engineering Profession - various documents
SHE figures 2021 in a nutshell
SHE figures 2021 interactive report
Gender equality in research and innovation in EU
SHE figures: 7 policy briefs on emerging and ongoing policy priorities
Impact of COVID-19 on women in the STEM workforce | Asia–Pacific
Disability STEM data for students and academic staff in higher education
Gender Equality Index 2021: Health | European Institute for Gender Equality
Upward convergence in gender equality: How close is the Union of equality?
Royal Academy of Engineering - The UK STEM Education Landscape
2018 Policy report on Balanced Development of Human Resources for the future (INWES APNN/ARN)
INWES Triennial Report 2015 - 2017
Creating Opportunities For People With Disabilities In STEM Careers - Forbes
The New STEM Gap: Study Confirms Gay Men Are Less Likely Than Straight Men To Be In STEM Fields
ARC Network Report on Identity-based Harassment
University of Edimburgh Gender and ODA research
Leak in the Academic Pipeline: Identity and Health Among Postdoctoral Women
Leaky Pipeline in 7 European Countries
APPG on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM
UNESCO 2019 Women in Science report
A Leak in the Academic Pipeline: Identity and Health Among Postdoctoral Women
wgea Australia - Case study: elevating women in STEM
wgea Australia - Case study: Recruiting women into IT
Australian Government Chief scientist Occasional Paper: Busting myths about women in STEM
Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering - ATSE - Women in STEM at a glance
Statement of INWES and WFEO to the United Nations SDGs, Dec 2020
Challenges for women in Physics by the American institute of Physics
Transforming Trajectories for Women of Color in Tech (2021)
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Careers of Women in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Why Are Students With Disabilities So Invisible in STEM Education?
From College to Careers: Fostering inclusion of persons with disabilities in STEM
How Stereotypes Can Drive Women To Quit Science
The State of Women in Engineering 2021 - US
EarthWatch - Women in Science: Breaking STEM Stereotypes
Collection of women in STEM podcasts
Disability Visibility Project - how to improve recruitment and retention of disabled people
Diversity, inclusion and belonging are key to successful teams and organisations
Leadership Untangled: A Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion with Lauren Oliver
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