Current Research Students' Projects:
McDonnell I (PhD), 3D scene reconstruction, (since Sept. 2008). Funded by EPSRC studentship.
Morshidi MA (PhD), Hand tracking, (since April 2009). Funded by Higher Education Ministry of Malaysia.
Azhar F (PhD), Video-based human activity recognition for assisted living, (since October 2010). Funded by Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WPRS)and Engineering Bursary.
Choudhury DS (PhD), Video analysis of gaits for human identification, (since October 2010). Funded by Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WPRS) and Engineering Bursary.
N.B. No undergraduate student internships.
We have had numerous enquiries regarding internships (student placements) during vacations. Note that IPES Laboratory does not offer any student internships. Therefore please DO NOT email us regarding these. Your cooperation is appreciated.