Professor Declan Bates
Selected publications on Aerospace Control (pdf's available on request)
- P.P. Menon, G. Herrmann, M. Lowenberg, M.C. Turner, D.G. Bates, I. Postlethwaite, "Experimental implementation of a nonlinear dynamic inversion controller with anti-windup", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, DOI:10.2514/1.59027, 2013.
- W. Wang, P.P. Menon, D.G. Bates, A. Bidaux, A. Garus, A. Kron, C. Charbonnel, F. Ankersen and S. Bennani, “An Integrated Analytical/Numerical Framework for V&V of Attitude Control Systems for Flexible Satellites”, in Proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, Minneapolis, 2012.
W. Wang, P.P. Menon, D.G. Bates, N. M. Gomes Paulino, E. Di Sotto, A. Bidaux, A. Garus, A. Kron, S. Salehi, S. Bennani, “Verification and Validation of Autonomous Rendezvous Systems in the Terminal Phase”, in proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, Minneapolis, 2012.
- A. Kamath, P.P. Menon, M. Ganet-Schoeller, M. Guillaume, S. Bennani, D.G. Bates, “Worst Case Analysis of a Launcher Vehicle Using Surrogate Models”, in proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design ROCOND'12, Aalborg, 2012.
- A. Kamath, P.P. Menon, M. Ganet-Schoeller, M. Guillaume, S. Bennani, D.G. Bates, “Robust safety margin assessment and constrained worst-case analysis of a launcher vehicle”, in proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design ROCOND'12, Aalborg, 2012.
- D.G. Bates, W. Wang, P.P. Menon and S. Bennani, “Verification and Validation of Controllers using the Worst-Case Analysis Tool”, in proceedings of the 8th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, Carlsbad, Czech Republic, 2011.
- W. Wang, P.P Menon, N.M Gomes Paulino, E. Di Sotto, S. Salehi, D.G. Bates, “Worst-case analysis of autonomous rendezvous systems”, in proceedings of the 18th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Nara, Japan, 2010
- W. Wang, P.P. Menon, S. Bennani and D.G. Bates, “Robustness Analysis of Attitude and Orbit Control Systems for Flexible Satellites”, IET Control Theory & Applications, 4(12):2958–2970, 2010.
- G. Herrmann, P. P. Menon, M. C. Turner, D. G. Bates and I. Postlethwaite, “Anti-Windup Synthesis for Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Control Schemes”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 20(13):1465–1482, 2010.
- P. P. Menon, I. Postlethwaite, A. Marcos, S. Bennani and D. G. Bates, “Robustness Analysis of a Reusable Launch Vehicle Flight Control Law”, IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 17(7), 751-765, 2009.
- J. Kim, D. G. Bates and I. Postlethwaite, “A geometrical formulation of the μ-lower bound problem”, IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 3(4), pp. 465–472, 2009.
- J. Kim, D. G. Bates and I. Postlethwaite, “Robustness Analysis of Magnetic Torquer Controlled Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics”, Automatic Control in Aerospace, Vol. 2(1), 2009.
- W. Wang, P. P. Menon, D. G. Bates and S. Bennani, “Verification and Validation of Attitude and Orbit Control Systems for Flexible Satellites”, in proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Naviagation and Control, Chicago, USA, 2009.
- P. P. Menon, E. Prempain, I. Postlethwaite, D. G. Bates and S. Bennani, “Nonlinear Worst-Case Analysis of an LPV Controller for Approach-Phase of a Re-Entry Vehicle”, in proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Naviagation and Control, Chicago, USA, 2009.
- P. P. Menon, E. Prempain, I. Postlethwaite, D. G. Bates and S. Bennani, “An LPV Loop Shaping Controller Design for the NASA-HL-20 Re-Entry Vehicle”, in proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Naviagation and Control, Chicago, USA, 2009.
- S. Martin, I. Wallace and D. G. Bates, “Development and Validation of a Civil Aircraft Engine Simulation Model for Advanced Controller Design”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 130(5), 2008.
Selected research grants
- €60K, European Space Agency, “WCATII - Maturation of the Worst-Case Analysis Tool”, 2011-2012
- €75K, European Space Agency, “Integrated Guidance Navigation and Control for Mars Sample Return”, (with GMV, Spain), 2011-2013
- €20K, European Space Agency, “Modern Satellite Attitude Control”, (with Astrium UK), 2011-2012
- €75K, European Space Agency, “Robust Flight Control System Design Verification and Validation Framework”, (with Astrium Space Transportation, France), 2011-2012
- €35K, European Space Agency, “Scaleable Entry Descent and Landing System, (with THALES Alenia Space, Italy, GMV, Spain, NGC, Canada and Scisys, UK), 2011-2012
- €75K, European Space Agency, “Enhanced Linear Fractional Transformation Toolbox”, (with NGC, Canada, GMV, Spain and THALES Alenia Space, Italy), 2010-2012.
- €75K, European Space Agency, “Advanced Re-Entry Flying Qualities Analysis Framework”, (with DEIMOS Space, Spain, and EADS Astrium, France), 2009-2011
- €70K, European Space Agency, “Worst-Case and Safety Analysis Tools for Autonomous Rendezvous Systems”, (with GMV, Spain, NGC, Canada, and the University of Oxford), 2008-2010
- €75K, European Space Agency, “Robust LPV Gain-Scheduling Techniques for Space Applications”, (with DEIMOS Space, Spain and the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands), 2007-2009