Professor Steven Dixon
Professor - Chair of Industrial UltrasonicsSchool of Engineering/Department of Physics University of WarwickCoventry CV4 7AL, UK Phone: +44 (0)24 765 73877
Fax: +44 (0)24 76 573133 Email:
Research Interests
Ultrasonic measurements of material properties, non-contact ultrasound, non-destructive evaluation and testing, ultrasonic transduction, ultrasonic measurement of metallurgical microstructure.
Academic Chair and Member of the EPSRC funded Research Centre for NDE, Editor-in-Chief of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, member and former Chair of the Technical Committee for the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Member of the IOP Physical Acoustic Group, on the editorial boards of Insight and NDT&E International, Warwick Ventures Enterprise Champion, Director of spin-out company Sonemat Ltd.
Selected Papers
- Dixon, S., Harrison, T. J. and Petcher, P. A.. (2010) Phase changes of ultrasonic bulk waves through focusing measured using a non-contact ultrasonic method. Applied Physics Letters, Vol.97 (No.5). 054101.
- Dixon, S. at al (2017) The electro-mechanical behaviour of flexural ultrasonic transducers. Applied Physics Letters, Vol.110 (No.22). 223502
- Clough, M, Fleming, M and Dixon, S. (2017) Circumferential guided wave EMAT system for pipeline screening using shear horizontal ultrasound. NDT & E Int. 86 , pp.20-27
- Kang, L, Feeney, A and Dixon, S. (2019) Wideband electromagnetic dynamic acoustic transducers (WEMDATs) for air-coupled ultrasonic applications. Applied Physics Letters, Vol.114 (No.5). 053505
View all of Professor Dixon's publications on the WRAP portal