Research Plans
Research Plan Term 3 - 2008
Preliminary Simulations
Week 27 31/03-06/04
Week 28 07/04-13/04
Week 29 14/04-20/04
Week 30 21/04-27/04 (Beginning of Term 3)
Preliminary Simulations
Week 31 28/04-04/05
Week 32 05/05-11/05
Week 33 12/05-18/05
K.J.A. Westin et al.(2003) A novel system for measuring liquid flow rates with nanoliter per minute resolution, Experiments in Fluids 34:635–642
K. EIZO et al.(1999) Drag reduction of Newtonian fluid in a circular pipe with a highly water-repellent wall, Fluid Mech. 381: 225
ERROL B. et al. (2001)Mass flow and tangential momentum accommodation in silicon micromachined channels, J. Fluid Mech. 437: 29-43
Vincent S. J. et al. (2001) Shear-Dependent Boundary Slip in an Aqueous Newtonian Liquid,Phys. Rev. Lett. 87: 054504
Arkilic B. et al. (1997) Gaseous Slip Flow in Long Microchannels,JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS, 6: NO. 2, JUNE 1997
Week 34 19/05-25/05
Week 35 26/05-01/06